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My Reasoning for Why PC's are Better Than Mac's

 Wow, Mac Defense Force comes out in full swing. I received a hateful PM in response to a comment I made about Mac's being more expensive than PC's and OS X sucking.  I wrote out a response but it ballooned to such a degree I decided to just put it into a blog post.
 My Reasoning for Why PC's are Better Than Mac's

 In the end it all comes down to preferences. Mac may be easier to use, but I would compare it to Photoshop Essentials. Yeah, it's easier to use and looks prettier, but in the end you are sacrificing usability and options. They are all style and no substance. You say that Mac's don't have viruses, but my dad had to take his Mac in for that very reason. My PC also since I built my last computer (something you can't do with a Mac) two years ago there hasn't been a single infection. On top of that, the only reason that viruses are more prevalent in PC's than Mac's isn't because of the OS, it is because OS X has around 5% of the market share. Now, before you start shouting, "but Mac's internet browser isn't connected to the registry, like a windows PC, you aren't able to receive a virus from no fault of your own." The problem with that reasoning is that hackers, crackers, and malware programmers do it for the challenge (or to get a job), so if the popularity roles were reversed you bet that Mac's would be just as plagued. Hell, I read on CNET a while back that at a hacking contest it was actually proven that Mac's were easier to hack than Vista, which is easier to hack than Windows 7.
On to cost. You say that if cost wasn't an issue Mac's would be more popular. In theory that might be true, but the reality is that Mac's aren't cheaper. They are significantly more expensive than a PC. A similar Mac to a PC is over double (and in some cases triple) the cost of a PC. Plus the design is to make things so complicated that you want to purchase a new Mac instead of upgrading when things get old. Even if you did want to just install a new video card (because you new $2000 computer has an ATI 4670 256mb video card that was worth $70 when it was released almost two years ago), like my dad did a month ago, is a hassle compared to it's PC counterpart.
Then there is the whole software component. Sure OS X has a better suite of free media tools that come packaged with the OS, I'll give you that one. Then again, they are all like Photoshop Elements. Dumbed down software that is all convenience and flash to the point where it becomes a hindrance if you are someone who actually knows what you are doing. In that case you are forced to purchase expensive software that is available on the PC as well, and it always runs just as well on a PC. Now before the defense force comes out again, I use Photoshop all the time, on both my Dad's mac and my own PC. The mac version looks nicer, but it has been proven time and again that the windows version just runs a lot faster than a Mac with the same spec'd hardware. That is because OS X has a lot more overhead, or essential programs running in the background. I have heard people say that the windows version crashes and is buggy, but I have been using the program since Photoshop 4 and I have never had the program crash on me (my own personal experience, but I look at it like my Xbox 360 - just because mine has never red ringed doesn't mean that others hasn't). 
Finally we come to the whole "Windows doesn't come with Microsoft word, PowerPoint and all that jazz," problem. Yeah, it's not on the disk right now, but Microsoft Office 2010 is free. You need to download it, but it is still free, and if you don't want to use it I can think of over two dozen free alternatives. Sure there are free alternatives on Mac as well, but it pales in comparison to the amount of free quality software on the PC. Plus, if you want to spend the money on software, you have the option.
I lied, there is a couple more things I want to point out. If you really think that Mac's are better try this for me. Open up Finder and try to cut and paste files or open a two-pane tree view of your folders. After that try to do a complete customization of your desktop theme (wallpaper, task-bar, wallpapers, fonts). Plus c'mon, the Apple Dock sucks, especially when compared to the convenience of files on a desktop.