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Games I Will play at least once every year.

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  • It's Always fun to get some friends together and have a match with a set kill limit of 1000 on average one game takes about 8 hours and by the end your hating yourself wondering where all your Red Bull has gone and why your fingers hurt so much.

  • What can I say this game will never get boring even after playing it so many times you know every level without even looking at it.. Well for the most part now it's time to go and break the Minimalist World Record.

  • Ready to go from 1-99 trust me you can do it even though you only told yourself that you would only play for about an hour here you are a month later still doing Baal Runs and listening to people say that they can get you a sweet offer on any items you want if you visit there site. This will defiantly be a game I come back to till the next installment arrives.

  • Hey Look you being all unforgiving with your save points.. OH how I love you Spike McFang and your oddly spinning hat. I do look at you in shame though since you are nothing like the original Japanese title.

  • Yes I put you here under games.. and yet I don't know why but at least once a month I have a urge to play a pinball machine and since there are no more aracdes.. really anywhere I have to go to the Movie Theater to get my hands on a machine and since you take tokens you devil machine you cost me a dollar a ball.