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The game I played in my head is not the game I played.

Hello fellow giant bombers. I recently had a very odd experience followed by a very scary realization that I wanted to share with everyone. Please excuse my bad grammer.

A few months ago I got an itch to replay a very favorite game series of mine Legacy of Kain. I thought tomyself "this could be a fun marathon. Start off with Blood Omen and go through each game in the series ending with Legacy of Kain: Defiance. So with that in mind I dusted off my old Phat PS2 and started going through my old game collection. To my complete amazement I couldn't find any of the games so I went to the garage where the boxes are but the only game I could find in that series was Blood Omen 2 my least favorite game in the series and it was the Xbox version. "Shit" I said in my head thinking now I have to find my old Xbox, only to realize that i didn't say it in my head but was a very loud, very audible claim. Then I realized that my 6 year old daughter was standing right behind me with a very distinct 'GASP!" look on her face. To my complete horror she immediately continued to run inside to her mom while yelling "MOMMY! Daddy said shi...Daddy said that bad word I am not supposed to say anymore because last time I said it you took my DS for a whole week" the little shithead totally rat on me. Oh well, I wouldn't expect any less from my daughter. Anyways back on subject. With the game in hand I went a head, found my old xbox still in it's box with a controller, connected it to my TV, fired it up and put the disc in.

Now I have a very vivid memory from that game in which Kain was running on a wall battlements and needing to jump into a into a wobbling window. I replayed throughout the whole game lamenting my lost games and getting pissed at the outdated combat system, and to my surprise I did not get to the part I mentioned before. I started wondering "If it's not from this game, where the hell is it from? Is it from one of the other games in the series? I wrecked my brain wondering where it's from and I couldn't remember where it was from for the life of me, so neutrally I went to my nearest gamestop shop and lucky me they had every game in the series in the store and for dirt cheap. So I went a head replayed every game in the series but alas trace of that part.

Well, a few days ago I was doing some "spring cleaning" my wife suggested I should do, though in reality she meant "I want you to go through and get rid of some of your old shit", anyone here who's married more then 3 years knows that there's always an underlining meaning in what they say. Anyways, while going through my old CD collection and I found a copy of American McGee Alice still in it's cd case. The case was all dirty and broken but to my joy the cd wasn't damaged or scratched...much. I thought to myself "I should play it for nostalgia" as I remember having fond memories when I played it back in 2000.

So with that in mind I finished my cleaning, got rid of some crap to make my wife happy and went a head to play my game. I fired up bootcamp, put the cd in, and a few clicks later I was on my way to play a game I remember liking. I kept playing it until I reached the point where to my surprise I was running along the battlements of a wall trying to jump into a wobbling house window. I paused the game. I thought to myself "How can this be? Why is the memory of one game ended up on another?". I thought and I thought and eventually I reached this conclusion. There's a psychotic game editor running unchecked in my head splicing my game memories. I wonder which other ones he also took his diabolic chemical cutting machine on.

Have you ever mixed the memory of one game with another?



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Edited By c0kemusheen

Sort of off topic but in the same vein as the OP's situation. I hate it when I wholeheartedly remember a situation as fact, and then somebody else proves me wrong. It's unbelievable how something can feel so certain in your mind yet you are proven wrong with the facts laid out in front of you. Very strange feeling, "I could have sworn that this happened". Anybody else know what i'm talking about?

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Edited By Humanity

@Mordukai: Always nice to hear about modern parenting. When I was growing up I had a 4 year old brother and parents that weren't very involved in censoring anything I saw. As a result I watched a lot of those Nightmare on Elm Street movies as a real young kid in addition to movies the likes of Alien or Predator. None of that really scarred me and I'm a perfectly functioning adult (as far as I can tell I mean I haven't trapped anyone in my basement yet or anything!)

As an answer to your original question: I often found my mind embellishing a lot rather than remixing my memories of terms of games. My mind is adding a lot of post processing to those older games. When I rarely get to replay something from way back I'm shocked to find that there was no 3DFX yet. Or the resolution wasn't that high and those enemies weren't 3D models but just sprites etc..

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Edited By mordukai

@Humanity said:

@Mordukai: lol not a backseat parent or criticizing you or ANYthing like that but how old is your daughter? Legacy of Kain games are pretty brutal..I mean Kain rips Raziels wings off in jealousy and casts him into that void - harsh Kain..Raziel was a good lookin dood before all that.

As I've said in the blog. My daughter is 6 and she has a taste for good stories no matter how much violence they have in it. I do filter what she sees and don't see in terms of games and movies but the LoK series doesn't have the level of violence I consider to be too obscene for her. Besides, she old enough to know what she likes and don't like and when she sees a scene that she find too hard to watch she just closes her eyes and ask me to tell her when it's done.

I grew up in a military house and my mom supervised everything. I had no choice but to confirm to her filtering and because of that things she tried keeping me blind to had much more appeal to me. I try not to do that with my kid. I filter what she sees, like I won't let her watch movies and TV shows with sexual themes or obscene level of violence, but the stuff I think she can handle I let her do the decision and so far she has been right on the money on what she can and can't handle.

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Edited By Humanity

@Mordukai: lol not a backseat parent or criticizing you or ANYthing like that but how old is your daughter? Legacy of Kain games are pretty brutal..I mean Kain rips Raziels wings off in jealousy and casts him into that void - harsh Kain..Raziel was a good lookin dood before all that.

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Edited By cstrang

I don't think it's ever happened to me across different game series, but I've definitely mistaken events in sequels that were actually in the original or vice versa (which is especially easy with the LoK series, or CoD games).

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Edited By jacksukeru

@Mordukai: I'm kind of jealous of native English speakers. If I ever have kids I won't be able to play games with them where they can follow along with the story at that age, at least not without me taking time to to translate and explain it to them.

As a kid I would sometimes ask one of my older siblings to translate for me and they tried their best, even if they themselves hadn't learned much at that stage. I can't imagine what it must be for kids to play videogames today when stories are so much more prevalent. I mean, the games of my youth, save for a few exceptions, didn't require much in the way of translation; what use was ever any of the tips in Zelda 1 & 2 anyway? Then again I could see kids making their way through a game not sweating the details of a story, I was able to enjoy Flashback as a kid even though I only knew the outlines for the story.

I've been wondering if Dark Souls is a good kids game, its story can be basically ignored and you're no worse off for it..

As for the Legacy of Kain series, I got the first Soul Reaver when it came out but never got anywhere in it, I played a demo of SR2 and eventually got and beat LoK:Defiance. Sometime later I got Soul Reaver 2 and beat that as well. Many years later, when the original Soul Reaver was released on PSN I was finally able to go through it, and just a while ago the original Blood Omen was also released. I bought it but have yet to play it more than a little bit, if I eventually do finish it I will have completed the entire main series in reverse, I find this kind of amusing.

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Edited By mordukai

@believer258 said:

@Humanity said:

I'm more surprised you just picked up like 5 pretty old and dated games and casually beat them, start to finish. I have a hard enough time just going through current gen games because I don't have the time to play them or they're just not interesting enough to devote my time to.

Not only this, you mention having a wife and daughter. I'm a social nerd who plays games more often than I should, and I still don't have enough time to beat a good number of them, what with college and all to keep up with.

Where does one find the time and patience to beat five older games?

EDIT: O. Right. Games crossing in my mind. Well, the events of one thing crossing into another isn't an entirely unknown phenomenon, but I tend to keep my memories of games in the right game. I'm certain that at some point this has happened to me but I can't recall it.

That said, it's muscle memory that gets me. In Resident Evil 5 on Xbox 360, it's Y that pulls up your inventory. In RE4, it's Start, and Y pulls up your map. So every single time I want to pause and take out a grenade, I wind up pulling up the map and having to unpause and push the right button. ARGH!

I love old games and will gladly replay them. It reminds me how far games have evolved but, and that's kinda unfortunate, how much games have lost along the way. I finished the games way back so there's no reason why I shouldn't finish them now. Besides, they are not as long as you think. However, Blood Omen 1&2 were kinda harsh to go through. Having a family kinda takes a toll on my "social" life but I love every minute of it and I was never the "social bug".

As far as your other question, then night time and weekend. I also use it as quality time with my daughter and she even played some parts. She actually found the story "not like the usual stories she knows", her own words.

She actually got quite irate when Raziel sacrificed himself and had his soul absorbed by the Soul Reaver in order to purify it. I had to explain to her why it was important.
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Edited By Justin258

@Humanity said:

I'm more surprised you just picked up like 5 pretty old and dated games and casually beat them, start to finish. I have a hard enough time just going through current gen games because I don't have the time to play them or they're just not interesting enough to devote my time to.

Not only this, you mention having a wife and daughter. I'm a social nerd who plays games more often than I should, and I still don't have enough time to beat a good number of them, what with college and all to keep up with.

Where does one find the time and patience to beat five older games?

EDIT: O. Right. Games crossing in my mind. Well, the events of one thing crossing into another isn't an entirely unknown phenomenon, but I tend to keep my memories of games in the right game. I'm certain that at some point this has happened to me but I can't recall it.

That said, it's muscle memory that gets me. In Resident Evil 5 on Xbox 360, it's Y that pulls up your inventory. In RE4, it's Start, and Y pulls up your map. So every single time I want to pause and take out a grenade, I wind up pulling up the map and having to unpause and push the right button. ARGH!

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Edited By WMWA

Battlefield 3 and Dark Souls

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Edited By Humanity

I'm more surprised you just picked up like 5 pretty old and dated games and casually beat them, start to finish. I have a hard enough time just going through current gen games because I don't have the time to play them or they're just not interesting enough to devote my time to.

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Edited By FateOfNever

Hmm.. you know, that's probably happened to me. Could I actually cite where it's happened? Nope. But it wouldn't surprise me at all if I'd remember a part of a game and then mix up what game it was in. So I'd say it's probably at least somewhat normal.

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Edited By mordukai

Hello fellow giant bombers. I recently had a very odd experience followed by a very scary realization that I wanted to share with everyone. Please excuse my bad grammer.

A few months ago I got an itch to replay a very favorite game series of mine Legacy of Kain. I thought tomyself "this could be a fun marathon. Start off with Blood Omen and go through each game in the series ending with Legacy of Kain: Defiance. So with that in mind I dusted off my old Phat PS2 and started going through my old game collection. To my complete amazement I couldn't find any of the games so I went to the garage where the boxes are but the only game I could find in that series was Blood Omen 2 my least favorite game in the series and it was the Xbox version. "Shit" I said in my head thinking now I have to find my old Xbox, only to realize that i didn't say it in my head but was a very loud, very audible claim. Then I realized that my 6 year old daughter was standing right behind me with a very distinct 'GASP!" look on her face. To my complete horror she immediately continued to run inside to her mom while yelling "MOMMY! Daddy said shi...Daddy said that bad word I am not supposed to say anymore because last time I said it you took my DS for a whole week" the little shithead totally rat on me. Oh well, I wouldn't expect any less from my daughter. Anyways back on subject. With the game in hand I went a head, found my old xbox still in it's box with a controller, connected it to my TV, fired it up and put the disc in.

Now I have a very vivid memory from that game in which Kain was running on a wall battlements and needing to jump into a into a wobbling window. I replayed throughout the whole game lamenting my lost games and getting pissed at the outdated combat system, and to my surprise I did not get to the part I mentioned before. I started wondering "If it's not from this game, where the hell is it from? Is it from one of the other games in the series? I wrecked my brain wondering where it's from and I couldn't remember where it was from for the life of me, so neutrally I went to my nearest gamestop shop and lucky me they had every game in the series in the store and for dirt cheap. So I went a head replayed every game in the series but alas trace of that part.

Well, a few days ago I was doing some "spring cleaning" my wife suggested I should do, though in reality she meant "I want you to go through and get rid of some of your old shit", anyone here who's married more then 3 years knows that there's always an underlining meaning in what they say. Anyways, while going through my old CD collection and I found a copy of American McGee Alice still in it's cd case. The case was all dirty and broken but to my joy the cd wasn't damaged or scratched...much. I thought to myself "I should play it for nostalgia" as I remember having fond memories when I played it back in 2000.

So with that in mind I finished my cleaning, got rid of some crap to make my wife happy and went a head to play my game. I fired up bootcamp, put the cd in, and a few clicks later I was on my way to play a game I remember liking. I kept playing it until I reached the point where to my surprise I was running along the battlements of a wall trying to jump into a wobbling house window. I paused the game. I thought to myself "How can this be? Why is the memory of one game ended up on another?". I thought and I thought and eventually I reached this conclusion. There's a psychotic game editor running unchecked in my head splicing my game memories. I wonder which other ones he also took his diabolic chemical cutting machine on.

Have you ever mixed the memory of one game with another?