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My dream re-make: A new taxi Driver


Taxi Driver

Set in New Orleans (nawlans), with Micheal Cera as a recently returned Iraq war vet Travis Bickle, who can't readjust to being back home. He can't sleep, and takes up a cabbi job to pay the bills and fill the nights. Likes to creep around the swamps with a set of night-vision goggles and a ka-bar knife, and poach gators after wrestling one at a farm. Stays coked-up on RedLine and other energy drinks, and starts going rapidly down hill.  The Katrina aftermath, and failed rebuilding, the focus on tourism spots, disgusts him, as well as the rampant poverty, drugs use, and the corruption and "filth" thats taken over. He hates the bigots and racists and rednecks, but the hippies and hipsters and politicians too. No problems with the voodun mammas though. 

By the time he meets a young lady of the night, played by well, anyone really. No one smoking hot, just small town southern girl in over her head in prostitution, a coke problem, and all that jazz.   Bickle of course falls for our young starlet, offers her free rides to her "appointments", starts stalking her even when not on duty, with more night-vision goggle scenes. He catches her with politicians and business men, and films them, and watches the videos while masochistically abusing himself.  Things go shitty as she gets more creeped out by him, and her nervousness causes problems with an important John, and Bickle is spotted, and a set-up is assumed. Parts of her body are found in the swamp Bickle hunts in, and he is nearly killed by a man who attacks him in his cab, a man sent by the pimps who ran the young lady.  The man is killed in a clever and brutal way, possibly by smashing the passenger part of the cab into something ("I told you to buckle up, fucko"), or simply shooting him in the face
We get a Suiting Up montage, including the sleeve gun, a shaving of  the head, and some bad ass sunglasses. The Big John receives a couriered package while in the Quarter that includes stills of his underage encounters, and a video tape. A message warns "you won't be fucking anybody ever again.", and he is shot through the crotch by Bickle, DC Sniper style from the trunk of the cab. Then we get the storming of the hellish whorehouse, complete with SM dungeon, and a donkey. He is horrified to discover a fresh shipment of young girls locked in a cellar, and has flashabacks to Iraq, while shooting dudes, and getting stabbed. The police have followed him and rush into the scene as it fades to white, the scream of the young girls beggin cops to help him, as he bleeds out.
So I want Micheal Cera, and I want to give him to R Lee Ermy, and to completely fucking break him as a person. I want to se how dark and painful he can go. He has the painful awkwardness, and is Lincoln skinny like Diniro was back then. I think his acting chops are up to it, and after as much sugary sweet weird stupid shit as he's been type cast into, I think he needs it. So break him down hollywood bootcampstyle, have him add 20 pounds of muscle, and some Krav Maga lessons, and he's set. I would have him kill an alligator with his bare hands, and cook it. Just to fuck with him.
So who has 30$ million and some connections? Or if you did, what would you remake?


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Edited By Mrnitropb


Taxi Driver

Set in New Orleans (nawlans), with Micheal Cera as a recently returned Iraq war vet Travis Bickle, who can't readjust to being back home. He can't sleep, and takes up a cabbi job to pay the bills and fill the nights. Likes to creep around the swamps with a set of night-vision goggles and a ka-bar knife, and poach gators after wrestling one at a farm. Stays coked-up on RedLine and other energy drinks, and starts going rapidly down hill.  The Katrina aftermath, and failed rebuilding, the focus on tourism spots, disgusts him, as well as the rampant poverty, drugs use, and the corruption and "filth" thats taken over. He hates the bigots and racists and rednecks, but the hippies and hipsters and politicians too. No problems with the voodun mammas though. 

By the time he meets a young lady of the night, played by well, anyone really. No one smoking hot, just small town southern girl in over her head in prostitution, a coke problem, and all that jazz.   Bickle of course falls for our young starlet, offers her free rides to her "appointments", starts stalking her even when not on duty, with more night-vision goggle scenes. He catches her with politicians and business men, and films them, and watches the videos while masochistically abusing himself.  Things go shitty as she gets more creeped out by him, and her nervousness causes problems with an important John, and Bickle is spotted, and a set-up is assumed. Parts of her body are found in the swamp Bickle hunts in, and he is nearly killed by a man who attacks him in his cab, a man sent by the pimps who ran the young lady.  The man is killed in a clever and brutal way, possibly by smashing the passenger part of the cab into something ("I told you to buckle up, fucko"), or simply shooting him in the face
We get a Suiting Up montage, including the sleeve gun, a shaving of  the head, and some bad ass sunglasses. The Big John receives a couriered package while in the Quarter that includes stills of his underage encounters, and a video tape. A message warns "you won't be fucking anybody ever again.", and he is shot through the crotch by Bickle, DC Sniper style from the trunk of the cab. Then we get the storming of the hellish whorehouse, complete with SM dungeon, and a donkey. He is horrified to discover a fresh shipment of young girls locked in a cellar, and has flashabacks to Iraq, while shooting dudes, and getting stabbed. The police have followed him and rush into the scene as it fades to white, the scream of the young girls beggin cops to help him, as he bleeds out.
So I want Micheal Cera, and I want to give him to R Lee Ermy, and to completely fucking break him as a person. I want to se how dark and painful he can go. He has the painful awkwardness, and is Lincoln skinny like Diniro was back then. I think his acting chops are up to it, and after as much sugary sweet weird stupid shit as he's been type cast into, I think he needs it. So break him down hollywood bootcampstyle, have him add 20 pounds of muscle, and some Krav Maga lessons, and he's set. I would have him kill an alligator with his bare hands, and cook it. Just to fuck with him.
So who has 30$ million and some connections? Or if you did, what would you remake?
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Edited By blazerx9x

I would totally remake ratchet and clank a crack in time, I HATED THAT GAME.

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Edited By Dantekiller

you should add a terrorist plot to the game like take binladin to the FBI without him knowing or to the hood and get his ass kicked lol 

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Edited By Mrnitropb

Goddamnit I'm talking about Taxi Driver, not fucking Crazy Taxi.

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Edited By Gunner

He drinks a bunch of energy drinks and THEN goes downhill?  Doesn't he already have a hard enough time sleeping being a war vet and all?
How about instead of energy drinks, he becomes addicted to the painkillers that he has to take from an injury he got from the war?

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Edited By Mrnitropb
@Gunner said:
" He drinks a bunch of energy drinks and THEN goes downhill?  Doesn't he already have a hard enough time sleeping being a war vet and all?  How about instead of energy drinks, he becomes addicted to the painkillers that he has to take from an injury he got from the war? "
Well, a big part of Bickles downward spiral in the original was his rampant insomnia. 
In this one he would be compensating for, and worsening his insomnia with the neigh illegaly powerful OTC stimulants. Its not that hes having PTSD dream or anything but that his circadian rhythms are completely blown after working completely at night for the last 10 1/2 months. And he unfortunatly cannot really fall asleep during the daytime either, so he just keeps feeling more and more fucked up as time passes.
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Too bad I already cast Michael Cera in the Peter Sellers roles and R. Lee Ermy in the Slim Pickens role for my remake of Dr. Strangelove.  You can have Shia Lebouf because I replaced him with Jessie Eisenberg in my remake of Chinatown.  Who do you think should play Ilsa opposite of Topher Grace's Rick in my Casablance remake.  I was thinking  Amanda Bynes but it isn't really set in stone.

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Edited By Gunner
@Mrnitropb said:
" @Gunner said:
" He drinks a bunch of energy drinks and THEN goes downhill?  Doesn't he already have a hard enough time sleeping being a war vet and all?  How about instead of energy drinks, he becomes addicted to the painkillers that he has to take from an injury he got from the war? "
Well, a big part of Bickles downward spiral in the original was his rampant insomnia.  In this one he would be compensating for, and worsening his insomnia with the neigh illegaly powerful OTC stimulants. Its not that hes having PTSD dream or anything but that his circadian rhythms are completely blown after working completely at night for the last 10 1/2 months. And he unfortunatly cannot really fall asleep during the daytime either, so he just keeps feeling more and more fucked up as time passes. "
But thats my point, why would someone drink energy drinks if they have a bad case of insomnia?
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Edited By Mrnitropb
@bartok said:
" Too bad I already cast Michael Cera in the Peter Sellers roles and R. Lee Ermy in the Slim Pickens role for my remake of Dr. Strangelove.  You can have Shia Lebouf because I replaced him with Jessie Eisenberg in my remake of Chinatown.  Who do you think should play Ilsa opposite of Topher Grace's Rick in my Casablance remake.  I was thinking  Amanda Bynes but it isn't really set in stone. "
Hmm, maybe I can get McLovin.
And you really haaaave to go with Miley cirus.
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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

I wouldn't want a full on remake, but I'd enjoy another Gremlins movie done with modern filmmaking methods without CGI.  Maybe get the WETA guys to do the designs and what not?  That'd be pretty fun.

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Edited By Mrnitropb
@Sparky_Buzzsaw: Only problem with that, is that it would be Gremlins 3D.