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New COD? No way, never, nope...wait that looks pretty cool.

When Call of Duty: Black Ops was first announced, I was ready to throw my MW2 game out the window (Sometimes, I still want to). I wanted nothing to do with COD. I have experienced the MW2 that no one likes. Hackers, cheaters, and just plain cheapness. But, enough of the negativity. The brand new BO (heh BO) multiplayer trailer is really interesting. Have a looksie if you haven't yet.  



Ahhhhh. So refreshing. It seems like it is shaping up to be a nice change of pace for the COD franchise. The currency system, unique wager matches, character customization (emblem creator seems neat), theater mode. I'm sure I've missed some, but all of these just reassure the fact that Treyarch is making some big changes. Wishful thinking: No Noobtube.  
Hopefully, on November, we can enjoy a COD game worthy of the name.