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Dragon Age: Origins Diary Part 4 - The Reboot

As you may have noticed, I haven't done one of these in a while. That's because after putting up my last entry, I decided that there was no way I was going to be able to continue playing Dragon Age on my PC. My laptop just can't handle it. Fortunately, I received Dragon Age in the mail today from my brother for the 360. He beat it, and it took him a little over 50 hours o_O. So I'm happy to say that I'm back to my adventures and exploits in Ferelden. As always, spoilers throughout.

I decided to be a Dwarf Warrior named Farquad. My Dwarf Noble origin story was much better than my Elf Mage origin story. My

character was sent into a cave to retrieve a family shield that would look good on me when I'm made the King. However, I was informed by my brother Bhelen that my other brother Trian was going to kill me because he wanted to be king. After getting the shield, I ran into Trian and some of his men. I believed Bhelen's story, so I called him an idiot and attacked him. My team and I slayed him and his cronies, but after doing so my father (the King) and his men showed up. He was shocked to see that his son was dead. He asked me if I had in fact killed my brother, and I referred to Gorim. However, Gorim's testimony was invalid because there's no way he would get me in trouble. The King asked the two scouts that were with me what had happened, and the jerks told the King that I had cut down Trian in cold blood. I was sent to prison.
Gorim informed me that Bhelen is going to be the next king, because both of us had been banished. He had set me up so that I would kill my own brother and then get in epic trouble with the King. And I guess the scouts were working for Bhelen because they were the reason I was sent to jail. Anyway, Gorim was exiled and I was sentenced to death. However, I was able to thankfully find Duncan and he helped me escape and become a Grey Warden. I hope I can find Gorim out there somewhere.... I'd love to reunite with him.
So that was just a quick update about what I was doing. I probably won't do another one of these until I get to Redcliff, since that's where I left off on the PC version. Next time I fire up the game I'll be joining Duncan and Alistair for a meeting with Cailan. Until next time.