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This Is A Blog About Video Game Music

My favorites to be exact. Several people have done this in the past, but I now realize that I have yet to talk about what my favorite songs are in video games that I have played. But be warned! Spoilers throughout! This is in no particular order, since I'm awful at making Top (insert number here) Lists.

Mass Effect

Theme Song 

The first thing that comes to mind when discussing video game music is Mass Effect's theme song. It is capable of giving me goosebumps whenever I hear it, and it plays at some of the best moments of the game: when you are being introduced to Shepard as he/she walks through the Normandy, and at the end when you realize that Shepard did not die after being slammed in the face with thousands of pounds of metal. The best part starts at 1:10

Modern Warfare 2

White House Battle Theme

Never before have I heard such a haunting song in a video game, and the scene it plays in makes it even better. The last part of the epic Washington DC battle is when you are storming the White House. Once you realize that the large building in front of you is the nation's capital and bullets are flying from it towards your head, you can't help but think that the world is ending. And this song really gives you the feeling that all hope is lost. Hans Zimmer is the man.

F Zero X

All Of It

I cannot find one song in F Zero X that I don't like. I remember playing this game when I was a wee little child, and one of the more memorable things about the game is the awesome soundtrack. Action packed guitar riffs always help in racing games. Here's but one of the excellent songs on this soundtrack

Modern Warfare 2

Gulag Liftoff

I could probably just put every MW2 song in this list, but that wouldn't be any fun. This one is memorable because it plays during the scene when the Gulag is exploding and you, Soap, and Captain Price are zipping up to a chopper on a rope while the place blows up around you. It's just amazing. Listen at :14 for the best part.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Theme Song

I spent so much time playing San Andreas when I was younger that I don't even feel like writing a description for this. I would much rather look back and reflect on the hours and hours of fun I got from this masterpiece. The theme song belongs in my heart, as cheesy as that sounds.
So there we have it. My favorite video game songs, off the top of my head. Any of these you would agree with? Disagree with?


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Edited By natetodamax

My favorites to be exact. Several people have done this in the past, but I now realize that I have yet to talk about what my favorite songs are in video games that I have played. But be warned! Spoilers throughout! This is in no particular order, since I'm awful at making Top (insert number here) Lists.

Mass Effect

Theme Song 

The first thing that comes to mind when discussing video game music is Mass Effect's theme song. It is capable of giving me goosebumps whenever I hear it, and it plays at some of the best moments of the game: when you are being introduced to Shepard as he/she walks through the Normandy, and at the end when you realize that Shepard did not die after being slammed in the face with thousands of pounds of metal. The best part starts at 1:10

Modern Warfare 2

White House Battle Theme

Never before have I heard such a haunting song in a video game, and the scene it plays in makes it even better. The last part of the epic Washington DC battle is when you are storming the White House. Once you realize that the large building in front of you is the nation's capital and bullets are flying from it towards your head, you can't help but think that the world is ending. And this song really gives you the feeling that all hope is lost. Hans Zimmer is the man.

F Zero X

All Of It

I cannot find one song in F Zero X that I don't like. I remember playing this game when I was a wee little child, and one of the more memorable things about the game is the awesome soundtrack. Action packed guitar riffs always help in racing games. Here's but one of the excellent songs on this soundtrack

Modern Warfare 2

Gulag Liftoff

I could probably just put every MW2 song in this list, but that wouldn't be any fun. This one is memorable because it plays during the scene when the Gulag is exploding and you, Soap, and Captain Price are zipping up to a chopper on a rope while the place blows up around you. It's just amazing. Listen at :14 for the best part.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Theme Song

I spent so much time playing San Andreas when I was younger that I don't even feel like writing a description for this. I would much rather look back and reflect on the hours and hours of fun I got from this masterpiece. The theme song belongs in my heart, as cheesy as that sounds.
So there we have it. My favorite video game songs, off the top of my head. Any of these you would agree with? Disagree with?
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Edited By beargirl1

That Gulag scene.... probably my favorite in the entire game. I was shouting, dude. The music was truly unforgettable.   
I also love the San Andreas music, too. I clocked in over 500 hours on the PC version alone. 

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Edited By natetodamax
@AjayRaz said:
I also love the San Andreas music, too. I clocked in over 500 hours on the PC version alone.  "
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Edited By aaox

I agree with all of these! Especially the Mass Effect one. I'm playing through that to get ready for Mass Effect 2, and I'm certainly noticing it more now that I'm doing the second play through. Especially the part at 1:10. That played during the speech as well, really set the tone for the game well. And I remember the White House battle music sticking out for me as the only section of that game where the music effected me more than the action. Nice blog!

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Edited By Tireyo
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Edited By Computerplayer1

Good choices, sir.
Personally I haven't found anything to top Morrowind's music. Specifically the main theme:

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Edited By InfiniteGeass

That song that plays during the DC battle is the one song that sticks out in my mind in MW 2. Not to say that the other songs aren't good, but that song fit the setting so well and gave me the feeling of "holy shit, DC is a war zone."

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Edited By ArcBorealis

If you like all of F-Zero X's music, check out the guitar arrange. 10 songs remastered, and it's pretty awesome.

Here's a sample

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Edited By breadfan

You be missin' some turtles. 

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Edited By eldiax

The single best song ever in video games has to be this for me: 

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Edited By Venatio

Whenever I see a thread about the best videogame music it makes me think of Mirror's Edge, Still Alive is my favorite song from a video game, it's just as awesome and beautiful as Mirror's Edge is:

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Edited By Red
@Venatio: Meh. 
Still Alive is just a decent pop song, and isn't really assigned to any of the emotions or moments from a prior experience that soundtracks are really supposed to in order to be good. 
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Edited By Venatio
@Red said:

" @Venatio: Meh. Still Alive is just a decent pop song, and isn't really assigned to any of the emotions or moments from a prior experience that soundtracks are really supposed to in order to be good.  "

I disagree with what you said, this song makes me think of Mirror's Edge and everything I loved about that game 
Oh and it makes me think about one other thing, how much better a sequel to it could and how it will probably never be made, I think that I liked ME alot more then you did
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Edited By Red
@Venatio: Well, it just makes me think of Mirror's Edge. 
So it makes me think of frustration.
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@AjayRaz said:
" That Gulag scene.... probably my favorite in the entire game. I was shouting, dude. The music was truly unforgettable.   
I also love the San Andreas music, too. I clocked in over 500 hours on the PC version alone.  "
I've never even played that game before, but that's...500...that's just in-human!!! 
Or is it Too-Human?
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Edited By ThomasP

F-Zero X has great music. It was the first game I thought of when I saw a forum about this subject earlier. I really like the Animal Crossing and Metroid (more atmospheric), as well.

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Edited By count_zero

I've actually gotten a new appreciation for the music from Team Fortress 2, thanks to a movie I saw recently.
Here's the Team Fortress 2 music "Playing With Danger"

Now, for audio comparison, here's the piece of music that gave me some new appreciation for this. The music is Ennio Morricone's main title theme for the 1966 French political film "The Battle of Algiers" (which, for those Netflix Accounts, you can watch streaming thanks to the Criterion Collection)