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Top 5 Most Dissapointing Games Of 2008

Every year, a new line of video games for every console is released to different opinions and views. This year was no different, with releases such as the new Call Of Duty and an inspiring first person game from DICE.

5) Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway
I was reluctant to put this on the list. Why? Because I enjoyed it from beginning to end. The gameplay was fun all the way through, and the story was awe-inspiring (the ending made me cry. No, I'm not even kidding. My eyes produced tears). I think what really dissapointed me about this game was the fact that after beating it, there's really no reason to go back and play it again. Believe me, I really want to, but the fact that there's no achievements for beating it on higher difficulties or anything else to unlock for that matter, I just am not motivated.

4) Call Of Duty: World At War
I really had high expectations for this game. I thought it would be awesome, dispite being in World War II again. I was wrong. The story was mediocore. You never became attached to any characters in the game. Remember when a main character in CoD4 died, and it was depressing? In this game, whenever a main character dies, you say to yourself "Oh, well.....too bad" and nothing else. Also, the multiplayer has it's share of flaws too, with retarded glitchers, the M1 Garands fire limit, the overpowered MP40, useless airstrikes, bullet resisting dogs, and other headache inducing problems.

3) Wii Sports
This year, I got my first chance to play around with the family at a huge family gathering. It was around Christmas time. I was not impressed. The only remotely fun activity Wii Sports had to offer was tennis. The boxing was incrediably unresponsive, the baseball was too reponsive (the pitcher would throw the ball if you moved your finger an inch before the previous play had even ended), and bowling was to easy (I watched my uncle get 7 strikes in a row. Literally.) All in all, Wii Sports was not fun for me.

2) Devil May Cry 4
For my birthday this year, my friend gave me his copy of DMC4 because he hated it. I can see why. I know a lot of people will probably argue with me on this, but DMC4 just isn't my taste. Mind you, I loved both God Of War 1 and 2. I thought I would like this, but no. The game is to arcady for me, the achievements are hard to get, and I just couldn't get any fun out of it. Maybe I'll try it again later, but still, I was disappointed in this game, much like my friend was.

Ahh, Mirror's Edge. One of the most inspiring and unique games of all time. Maybe if the game was longer, more exciting, a little easier (two bullets to the leg on easy difficulty should NOT kill you), and had some form of multiplayer, this could have been great. Also, this is by far the most frustrating game I have ever played. It's nothing but trial and error. Faith will constantly refuse to grab onto a ledge that she should have because you were an inch off. Really, DICE?

So, thus concludes my list. It is rather short, but then again, it is 11:47 P.M. and I'm tired. Peace.