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Yeah I seriously cannot imagine how you would control the building aspect. Even with a mouse accurately placing objects can be a huge pain in the ass sometimes.

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@atomicoldman: So those little vignettes do seem to be gone, haven't seen one for any of the classes. I did however find that you can see what your abilities do once you're actually fully in a match if you press escape/start. Which while not quite as stupid as not being to see them at all is pretty dang dumb. That's the kind of info you really need when picking a character in the first place.

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#3  Edited By NeoCalypso
@kseoul said:

Seems like a great reason for me to jump back in. I REALLY enjoyed what I played of it, but other games just started taking up it's time (I'm looking at you Diablo 3: RoS Seasons).

People were really too hard on this game, and with the price tag I can at least understand why; but with this going free-to-play I honestly think everyone should give it a shot. It might surprise the lot of you.

The uproar was always totally puzzling to me because everyone was getting mad about DLC prices and seemingly ignoring the part where the game wasn't actually that fun to play for more than a couple of hours.

On the topic of the game am I totally crazy or is there literally no way to find out what each individual character does in the game. I think once you're IN a lobby and picking characters you can at least see the names of the various abilities but zero indication of what they actually do. That just seems completely absurd considering how deficient the tutorial is.

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#4  Edited By NeoCalypso

Just making sure but you know Furi is "free" with PS+ this month right?.

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How is such a severely jpop focused game getting way better reviews over here than Japan. I thought this game bombed pretty hard over there. Did they make huge changes that actually make it a much better game or something?

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For those concerned, I'm preeeeeeetty sure the "waifu" bit is tongue-in-cheek. I'm the type of person who calls himself a weeb and jokes about waifu stuff a bunch, but there's a big difference between self-aware, self-deprecating humor and references and, y'know, actually being a dating sim and whatnot. You're not really in this to romance people so much as just talk to them and try to serve them drinks and learn about the world around you through their experiences. It's really fantastic so far, I recommend it to anyone who enjoys interesting narratives - to say nothing of the gorgeous pixel art, fantastic 80s-styled music, and fun-as-heck UI reminiscent of the things Christine Love did with Digital: A Love Story.

Yeah I'll agree, a lot of that stuff seems to be relegated to marketing outside the game anyway. The dialog and stuff inside isn't quite so heavy handed with the 4chan/animu/waifu stuff.

@humanity said:

I watched the trailer and I still don't really know what this game is.

Is this like a cross between Cook, Serve, Delicious! and Read Only Memories ?

I'd said it's a little more RoM than Cook Serve. The drink making isn't that involved, and not nearly as frequent.

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#7  Edited By NeoCalypso

I'm about an hour into this now and(loving it also btw) while I can definitely see them maybe playing it on UPF. I really don't see them doing a quicklook. They've skipped other similar games for quicklooks where the entire thing would just be them reading.

Besides if you really wanna check out how the game is you can just play the demo.

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@zella: There's apparently some other less obvious stuff as well, for example. During the videotape sequence You can find a lockpick behind the microwave and use it to unlock a drawer also in the kitchen. Then when you get back to the present there is an axe in there you can use as a weapon. No one seems to know what it's for yet though.

Really hoping this game has a PT style tail where it's like hours of people beating their heads on it to figure it out. But it's hard to see where there could be much else.

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So something interesting is up on the store page for the game it mentions "Pre-order Resident Evil® 7 biohazard today to receive Survival Pack DLC". So perhaps they aren't straying too far from the traditions of old RE games.

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#10  Edited By NeoCalypso

I hope the "Beggining Hour" title isn't an implication of how long they expected people to take beating this thing because it's like 10 minute long, 15 at the absolute maximum. Still it was kinda neat, and look pretty dang good so far. I can't help but feel I have the exact same questions I had after PT, of wondering if this is actually what this game is going to be. Like are they seriously gonna make a pure psychological thriller out of Resident Evil? They said the whole thing is gonna be playable in VR so does that mean it's entirely first person?