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The Playstation Zeitgeist Episode 13.5 - Sega, Stop Spinning!

Look, Sega. We are not Mad. 
We just want you to be fair. 
Drop the Price, if your dropping the hostess minigame. Period. 
You have no VA's to pay, you cut somethings off - so why is it still 60 bucks. 
When the US developers say that they will have DLC, they tell us in advance.  
When any developer - states were going to fix something - they do it as quick as possible. 
This was total nonsense. SONY TOLD YOU, and let me repeat myself - SONY TOLD YOU you have to have a VA for Yakuza 3. Because if you had the VA, everything would have been kept. 
BUT in Sega of America's infinite wisdom, you had to get it out ON THE SAME DAY as another failed game - FFXIII and A WEEK before the only fucking game that matters this March, God of War Three. In order to do that you had to practically BEG and THREATEN SONY the loss of the Franchise in Japan (which is what I think happened) from becoming a MultiPlatform title. And thats was the ONLY fucking REASON In my opinion and obsveration SCEA wave the rules.  
Then your ripped the rug out of them. 
Sony, for future reference? It aint worth it waving the rules so you can have more exclusives. If the idiots over in those failing J-Developers cant find good VA's when you KNOW your rules state that YOU MUST have VA - tell them to go fuck themselves. This is the only way things will ever get done right. And if Sega doesnt want to bring Yakuza 4 over, then Sony - go Pay Atlus - let them get there boys over at Bang Zoom, and watch Yakuza 4 kick ass. Hey, it worked for Demon Souls - why not this one? 
Let this also be a lesson for the rest of us. Its all of it or none of it. What I mean is that you cant pay 60 bucks for a game that is cut from the original source. They have NO CHOICE but to cut the price down at least to 49 bucks MSRP. Its only fair. 
So Sega, Stop Spinning - start letting go of the past - and let the developers develop and the publishers publish.