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Realized that I can't review GH:Van Halen yet on here...

God damn. Don't get that game. Please people. I got mine free and don't like it. It is simply depressing to know that Activision thought that they could release a "NEW" Guitar Hero game on an engine and feature set that they stopped using in late June earlier this year.
Therefore, Guitar Hero: Van Halen is a game that has been deliberately released over six months after it should have been. If it had even a couple of the GH5 features it would at least be a decent damn game, but it does not. I played the songs I wanted to play, and, unlike Metallica, it is not fun or cool about how it handles itself. Heck GH:Metallica is not a good game anymore because the feature set at that time had so many problems with it.
Guitar Hero Van Halen is a disgrace upon a video game company, and I hope that it sells to some lost people in stores on the 21-24 of December. Then I hope that Activision permanently loses those customers for being so damn stupid about how they handled all of this.