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The only new dashboard feature that matters

Quoth Microsoft:

  • New Browse Experience For 100 Percent Completed Games -- you spent a lot of time and effort earning those Achievements, so instead of only being able to view your first dozen completed games, we're giving you a new and better way to browse all of them.
Are you crazy like me, and do you have over 20 S-Ranks? You want to stroke your e-peen and pore over all of them? FUCK YES YOU DO. Microsoft recognizes the plight of the achievement whore.
Oh, I guess the improved voice chat is pretty cool too. WHATEVER. Brad doesn't care about your stupid voice, douchewad.

 Couldn't find a picture of Brad, but this dude and his beard agree with me.
 Couldn't find a picture of Brad, but this dude and his beard agree with me.