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Gaming Queue - Q3 2010: The Onisama Backlog of Reverse Triumph

Behold! My never ending list of shame. Be it by sheer apathy, lack of time, my participation in bum-fights or the unrelenting grasp of random MMOs, I have an epic backlog of potentially awesome gaming releases to work through.
Please, sit back, relax, crack open your favorite aloe-based drink, and wade through the horror that is my gaming queue.

List items

  • One of my more recent purchases. I've managed to clock 10 or so hours in the game and am enjoying it thus far. The game JUST opened up and has revealed it's true nature. Have at you, vile time-succubus!

  • Current clockage: 18 hours. Started this eons ago, and have yet to make any significant progress. Only 85~ hours to go! Huzzah...

  • Perhaps a moronic move on my part, I have purchased this hoping that I would somehow be motivated to actually play through this game. Watching the GB quick look has proven to be quite depressing as I learned this is something I should be pursuing post P3:FES due to the lack of "live" cutscenes. ARGHHHH.

  • This will be a tricky one, and I will more than likely have to wait a few years before even cracking open this beast. Currently watching the endurance run and am finding little motivation to even begin with this...

  • Now, like Persona 4 I have/am watching the endurance run, but I still want to play through this to experience the zombie-pickle-clairvoyantcoffee-zach escapades first hand.

  • Loved the hobo-face-smashing of the first installment--and looked forward to bloodying my hands with the essence of the impoverished once again--but 5 minutes in and I'd rather be freebasing in an abandoned office building than play this. How unfortunate.

  • Here's an embarrassing secret about me: I own 3 copies of this game. Here's an even more embarrassing secret: I haven't completed the game yet.

    While taking breaks from flogging my back with a flail, I often try to get some Demon's Souls in every once in awhile.

  • Clocked over 100 hours in the first, much to the chagrin of my College education. Finished the second one not too long ago. Now I'm finding it hard to return to the grind for the 3rd and probably longest in the series. Prinnies be damned.

  • Clockination: 36 hours. Effin' love this game! Harkens back to the days of Wizardry where crawling through cube shaped corridors and basic turn-based combat was the bee's knee's.

    Someday I will revisit and prove that Kessler's dungeon map was heinous! (I kid, I kid..)

  • Rule the first: Never buy a sequel to a game before completing the first. Even though this may be better than it's predecessor, I still feel that I have to complete the first before venturing into the new dungeon. CURSES.

  • Alright, I really need some encouragement to finish this one. Really became skeptical of the series after 4 (although I enjoyed it).

  • Clock time: 8 hours. Looks, feels and tastes like something I could really get into... but there's something foreboding about the battle system. What the hell is my problem?

  • Has the charm died? I long to see the King and his package of David Bowie-in-Labyrinth proportions once again. How the mighty have fallen, question mark.

  • I suppose this isn't a game that one "finishes", but I haven't even played through a whole campaign. I think I just miss the old rag-tag group of characters. By the way, pills WERE here.

  • My minded has been melted by this game one too many times. I refuse to look at a FAQ... or spend the time to figure out the puzzles myself.

  • Ahoy, matey! It seems we've set sail for a land of physics puzzles and particle effects, but were thwarted by a case of sea-apathy. Yarrrr, this chair be high, says I.

  • Was super-psyched for this one, but after the initial thrill wore off and my OCD "MUST COMPLETE EVERY SUB-CHALLENGE" kicked in I put this down for an indefinite amount of time.

  • This game is still sealed, crying for my attention. I want to think that it's going to be an amazing experience but I have feeling that once I actually play it I will regret the purchase. Perhaps it's best left as is to save face.

  • Estimated Clock Time: 25 Hours. Completed a decent amount of normal challenges and all of the hall of meat. Regardless, I'm still pathetically terrible at this game. I'll flick it harder coach Frank, I will!

  • Time Wasted: 35 hours? I don't even know what to do with this. At this point, it feels like I'll have to scrap my current progress and start over. Not sure if I want to endure it again... though the all-text dream sequences are pretty bad ass.

  • Trying to 100% this... why? Good question.

  • NIS, you've tricked me once again. Mindless dungeon crawler? Sign me up (for failure)!

  • After waiting in the freezing rain for 12 hours, I emerged as the first person out of my local Best Buy with a Wii and Zelda in hand.

    Of course, the infamous waggle just left a bad taste in my mouth. Should've went for the Gamecube version. OH WELL, still plan on trying it out again some day.

  • Played the hell out of this game, but it got to the point where managing the balance of each zone was ultra tedious. HOWEVER, this dungeon-diving farm-wasteland deserves closure.

  • Grabbed this on the Wii, got through a decent amount, and put it back down again. Resident Evil is a strange beast.

  • Actually went through this co-op with another live player. Fun as shit, I say! REVISITED EVIL.

  • Funny story with this particular series. I ordered a $400 arcade controller for this back when IIDX Happy Sky came out. Fast forward 5 years, STILL DIDN'T HAVE THE CONTROLLER.

    After a rather unpleasant email exchange the deed was finally done and I received my expensive rectangular box. Sufficeth to say, I have not partaken in any beatmania'ing yet. This one in particular.

  • Picked this bad boy up on the humble recommendation of one called Snyder. Looking forward to playing it, but the back log is strong with this one.

  • Way, way back in a not to distant past the XBOX 360 was severely lacking any RPGage. Got this on a whim and didn't even crack it open. There is nothing enchanting about these arms...

  • For $10 how could I go wrong? 80 hours is nothing in the grand scheme of things, right? RIGHT?!