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Havent beem drunk in a while

So my gilfrined an I ended things last summer. We decided on being "just friends'" but still being intimate. Everything was going as planned. Haninging out with her kids, spending time with her, either in person or on the phone while she was going through nursing school. But in November something changed. She came over out of the blue at like 4 AM after Black Friday shopping with her mom and sister. We talked for a while about what Christmas gifts she got for her family and we made out for a while before she left to go home. We texted for a week or so. She invited me to go see a movie with her and her daughter. Had a fun time. Come December, I havent laid eyes on her or heard her voice for a month. Just texts. I drop off lunch to her ( as we sometimes do) but she brushes me off and I say hi and act like a prick for the 5 seconds we see each other. She messages me later that day asking why Im mad. I respond with the typical self centered "i havent seen you or heard you for nearly a month. what the fuck is going on? did you find someone else and dont want me around anymore?" response. She turns it around saying shes too busy with school (which never stood in the way) and that she didnt have time. I said "Ok. Whatever." The texting goes on for most of this January (aside form me dropping off Christmas presents for her and her kiddos, who Im head over heels for, and also happens to be my bithday) with a quick chat and a distant hug. Then the other day she asks me to go get dinner with her since she "has a free moment" snd we meet up. Dinner is fine and when she gets to her car its another distant hug and not neary a goodbye from me. And now to day she asks me what I did today and I tell her and she dosent respond to my refletive querry for 2 hours. She finall responds with her and her daughter went to the movies. Now normally this is a normal thing, but every single time its just her and her daughter, she asks me to come along. Pre and post break up. And the theatre is literally 2 minutes from my house. Im finally getting the message. She dosent want to be friends anymore, and dosent want me near her family anymore, and its breaking my heart. Hence why Im drinking some Crystal Skull Vodka (I havent been intoxicated in like 2 years) and feeling goddamned sorry for myself.