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My gold medal is gone! Breaking Brad is happening! I've made a terrible mistake!

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because I seem to have broken the last list somehow

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  • welcome to 2024!!!!!!!!!!

    this game continues to make me feel bad

  • this game continues to make me feel good

    now there's a unicorn expansion

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    sounds like alan wake 2 is pretty good and control was a lot of fun so seemed like it was a good time to play this


    alan wake is ok. the game not the guy the guy alan wake is a real dick

    I found the old gods of asgard! that was my highlight.



    the dlcs had some neat tricks, guess I'll find out if that is what carries over to 2 when i actually play that in 5 years or somethin

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    new year, same old gloomhaven

    I've come around on Mr. Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. I can now kill normal enemies at will. When there are nothing but elites I have a tougher go of things but I stay helpful with some damage and lots of status effects, plus healing of course I'm a professional medicine woman after all.

    update we did it we defeated the gloom. seems we started last march and here we are in january so not quite a year but close. now to finish off jaws of the lion and then wait until frosthaven comes around and try to trick everyone into playing that for a year too

    jaws of the lion


    the party almost quit the game a few times when trying to finish off the last bit of jotl, in large part due to one of the later jotl missions which was probably the toughest in the game and we wound up bumping difficulty down to baby mode to progress past that one. another thing was it seemed enthusiasm waned once we had unlocked all characters and had only the goal of finishing jotl driving us. we did get through it though, finally putting a bow on this game about a year and 2 weeks after we had started this journey initially.

    final tally

    for kills arby beat me 376 - 380 (but I think he did some solo missions and got kills there so really I win because my only solo mission was healing related) justin came in third, relkin last

    damage arby beat me 4253 - 5164 justin came in third, relkin last

    but i'm the healing champ 1312 - 1124 for justin, braden 3 with 666, and relkin got last even though his character probably accounts for a lot of that healing done by everyone else

    arby and justin tied for least exhaustions, i was third, relkin had the most

    i wish it kept track of how many missions each character went on, or included damage taken which it does show at the end of every mission, or let you see the stats page for missions you completed

    relkin had the character with the most kills (my highest was rodney in fourth), braden the character with the most damage (my highest was third with redguard) i had the character with the most exhaustions and the character with the most healing credited which is mostly because I did that solo mission otherwise it would be justin and also because all the healing caused by soothsinger didn't count for soothsinger otherwise it would be relkin

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    kill nazis then sometimes kill them again game good

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    a game in the ico/journey puzzle/platformer/adventure artistic experiential game lineage that asks hey do you like rock climbing and climate change?

    oh yeah they definitely took inspiration from all the team ico games. But I would merely consider this an ok replication of those.

  • back on the farm with madeline, still fishin and pettin the dog but mostly waterin til it gets dark because she refuses to buy sprinklers

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    oh damn

    update oh damn

    final update well damn

    revillage is probably better than re7 overall because it stays more consistently strong throughout, though I like re7 maybe a bit more for being the first to get away from re4 and actually being a resident evil I enjoy again



    finished the revi(d)l(c)lage and I thought it was pretty good. I would not want re9 to be a full game of this but for a 3 hour dlc sure it's neat

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    let's see if I can stomach finishing this gross game

    scorn has added enemies that I don't seem to be able to fight yet because I have a gun with no ammo, and also it didn't bother telling me how health worked. I died a couple times because I was low health and didn't realize that I had something that filled my health back up because the game didn't bother telling me that's what it did. so maybe I do have ammo the game just hasn't bothered telling me and I'm taking damage running around trying to find things to interact with getting fucked up by enemies for no reason.

    I did not have ammo I know how that works now. But when the game starts throwing enemies at you it definitely becomes a worse game. also apparently you can use one item as a weapon but I could never figure out how to properly use it. you seemed to need to be an exact distance away from an enemy otherwise you'd miss if you were too far or not be able to attack if you were too close. I just assumed it wasn't going to kill anything and only would momentarily stun things if I happened to get it just right.

    Scorn actually had a one on one fight with what might be considered a boss type enemy that was pretty fun. Easily the best combat part of the game and if all combat was like that I would enjoy it more. It would be better if all the combat was slightly more puzzle like. Most enemies are annoying little things that spit at you and they quickly start throwing multiple of them at you. Generally it’s better to run past them and ignore them as best you can.

    The ending just kinda happens and nothing really is explained and the entire thing feels sort of meaningless.

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    scorn done, so here's my new game pass game of the week as i go from one gross game to a new much cuter gross game.

    for me this seems to fall into the "what if we made a game with n64/ps2 era game sensibilities but with modern technology and graphics" space. it was an enjoyable time throughout. a very good game pass game of the week option.

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    it's tax season time to do some research

    cute game, amusing and charming for sure. this game is the answer to the question what if you took 2d zelda, cut it down to 2 hours of the basic essential elements, and made it very silly. as far as those go, minit was better but this certainly is worth the 2 hours.

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    started warmastered to see if I can actually get around to finishing another game that's been high on the to do pile for a very long time now. i'm just about back to where I got to when I first played this. it's still a very good game.

    at long last I killed the betrayer and finished my favorite of the 3d zelda likes i've played thus far

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    I spent somewhere around 3 minutes trying to figure out why there was no option to invert the y axis aim controls before I started the game and went oh right that's why. This is my first old school doom experience, turns out classic doom is alright.

    the final boss sucked, just constantly spitting out fire and homing rockets that go fast as you do so you can't dodge them. I just cheesed the thing because I found a corner I could stand still and take cover from the fire and where the rockets would fly over my head and blow up behind me and shot the thing until it died.

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    taking a break from doom with a new game pass game of the week

    how bout a new puzzle game designed by the limbo/inside guy? sure, and at this point I would probably say I like this game better than either of those.

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    turnip boy continues to commit crime as a true hero of the people, now robbing a bank in the form of a silly rogue like as another choice for my game pass game of the week as I take yet another break from doom 64

    apparently when turnip boy robs a bank he literally robs the whole bank. I hope he continues his enjoyable life of crime.

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    this is something in the journey/ico line of puzzle platformer games, vaguely journey x shadow of the colossus but what if like sonic you run fast. you run around, shoot arrows at targets to run faster, jump and float and shoot more targets. occasionally you stop to solve a fairly simple puzzle. when you solve enough of the puzzles you fight a boss.

    There's a part of the game where you go very slow as you are playing red light/green light with the boss monsters that happens way too often and is easily the worst part of the game. Without it this would have been a pleasant game, but those parts were annoying enough to bring the experience down for me.

  • well this seems like it could be pretty good and I'm certainly ok with the decision to make you play as someone other than alan wake at first, I'm sure he'll be back and dickish as ever at some point

    max payne is now alan wake's fictional detective character seemingly come to life shit's gonna get weird

    update shit's gotten weird

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    playin the dlc on switch and boy am I rusty

    did beat a boss at least

    alright I was able to get through it over a long weekend and cuphead continues to be very very good

    there's some extra stuff in the dlc but I don't think I can take it

  • now that I have completed a classic doom we go back to the future of modern doom

    eternal is definitely a good play one level every day over the weekend sort of game for me because I don't know that I could handle much more than that in a brief span of time

    i blew a hole in mars that was good

  • one more attempt to answer the question can I finish a strategy game campaign?

  • this seems like a solid game pass option to rack up daily rewards points