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#1  Edited By QuattroRS6

I'm looking forward to Turn Ten's next project and Codemasters Formula One game.  Though this is interesting for the NFS series branch it out into different games expand the franchise as long as they get the quality back and i would hope they make at least one Most Wanted style of game.

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#2  Edited By QuattroRS6

You want realist go play il-2 or Falcon 3 or 4.  Those games are not what people want nowadays(well not most people).  A more action filled arcade style flight game is what will keep people interested not flying to waypoints for 90 percent of a mission then some action.  Realistic games wouldnt be much fun if you really think about it(well again not for most people).

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#3  Edited By QuattroRS6

Anytime i left audio through my speakers and someone in my family walked in on some ventrilo that was just terrible.  Ventrilo is now ALWAYS through the headphones.  God the things people say when they dont have to actually be saying it in front of real people.

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#4  Edited By QuattroRS6

I like to go get a hard copy of games when i can.  Which is most of the time.  But being permanently disabled and unable to drive i can't always get to the store.  It is a wonderful option that has its good and bad points.  Basically i like it as an option but wouldn't want it to be my only option.  Impulse is also very good.  Heading down to Best Buy is still the preferred option for me.

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#5  Edited By QuattroRS6

I got it i like the campaign so far.  I am thinking of trying to write a real review once i finish it.  It is very different from i would say just about any RTS you've played to date.  Check out ign's review if you want to read something now.  As for price drop,  i reallly wouldnt expect anything soon unless theres some sort of weekend sale so try to keep your eyes open.  Maybe try keeping an eye on steam.

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#6  Edited By QuattroRS6
way said:

An NES from 1985 still works.

But a 360 from 2005 breaks after a few months?
How can you people tolerate this?


Though i agree that the frequency with which it happened is unacceptable you must also realize that anything that is mass manufactured is going to have some lemons.  Your NES still works? Good for you i had a total of three back then.  Of course i played them all like mad.
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#7  Edited By QuattroRS6

I buy them when they come out and end up with a backlog at times.  I do start and finish one at most two at a time.  I am usually reading one or two books at the same time as well.  Then there are movies and tv shows to keep up on.  Entertainment everywhere.  I have alot of free time.

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#8  Edited By QuattroRS6
Whisperkill said:
"None of the (editorial) staff are PC gamers.."
Fixed :).  Pretty sure some of the guys upstairs are.
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#9  Edited By QuattroRS6
HandsomeDead said:
"What's come out on the PC of late that actually matters? Same with the Wii. Take into consideration that it's a 4 man team, they're obviously going to play games people care about, ie SFIV, than what people don't, ie Dawn of War 2.
And as for my Wii i pretty much bought knowing the only things i would probably ever play would be the first party stuff.  That really sucks but its the reality of it and at least i realized it going in.  Here's to hoping we get something good this year because 2008 was aweful for Wii.
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#10  Edited By QuattroRS6
jakob187 said:
"Reviewing PC games is kind of shitty.  Most of the games that hit PC are pretty buggy to say the least, and so it's tough to get a fair and accurate account of what the game has to offer.  They usually need a good handful of patches before they are even reviewable in some cases.  Take The Witcher for example.  When it first came out, OMFG!  It was IMPOSSIBLE to play.  However, that doesn't mean it was a bad game.  It just means it had a rough launch.

I would imagine that's the reason they don't review any type of PC games.  They did some quick looks on Warhammer Online and a couple of others, but overall, console releases are a bit more polished and don't need as much post-work done on them when compared to PC.
The patch buggy thing is getting pretty bad on consoles now as well.  Since they can patch console games now.  GoW2 is just a recent example of this.  At least the SP wasn't a pOS.  We could also point out Socom.  Regardless of examples console games are no better anymore when it comes to being released with problems.
RROD xbox(knock on wood mine hasnt yet) i almost forgot that.  So many things make me wonder what the QA people really do.