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Shadow Complex... not all that complex

5/5 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

a platformer that really stuck out the formula & brought rich graphics to addicting gameplay, this game is surely a part of the exciting movement to bring back retro style gaming!!

being a huge lover of castlevania SOTN [like 'having a crush on alucard' huge] i really enjoyed this game from start to finish. at first blush the game was almost disorienting because although my character only functions on a linear 2D plane, the environment is almost a seamless 3D image.. kind of confusing when you're used to being able to go anywhere in modern games. i thought the graphics were spectacular, but of course all i could think was 'konami needs to remake castlavaniaSOTN' n_n; i did find the lack of soundtrack a bit disappointing, especially since the very few BG tracks littered SPARSLEY throughout the game aren't really that great... it was too short also, but that's just because i would have enjoyed playing it more! the story left a little to be desired as well, because [& i'm certailnly not the only one] i figured out the plot twist RIGHT at the beginning of the game, & the voice acting was... well, it was definitetly video game calibur acting, let's just say that. i really got a kick out of shooting guys & making them scream, & the game almost doubled in fun-factor when i got the ability to super punch people - their reactions were priceless! or maybe they were worth 15 dollars. is that even what i paid for this game? maybe it was 25... but it was definitely well spent because i got a solid game. i really don't like DLC though... that's right, i said it!! i can't stand the thought of losing games i paid for, or not having a physical collection of games... [altough i do have a few roms & MAME]

best item:

hookshot BY far. if this item had not been in the game, i would have lost my damn mind

best moment:

the ending scene. right as it started, the fusion helmet glitched & left my character with patchy, plastic-looking white & royal purple hair! & it stayed that way through the whole sequence. i kept having to laugh at it - if there was supposed to be anything mysterious, cliff-hangy or climactic happening i missed it, it was IMPOSSIBLE to take the game seriously in any way. awesome.

most annoying thing:

knowing there was something in the room i couldn't get to because i didn't have the right item yet >___<


Another reason not to leave things plugged in...

This is something that matters more depending on location... I live in Florida, we have thunderstorms.  Nasty ones.  I love them!  Electronics do not....

Even though I make it a point to unplug appliances before sleep (so they don't waste power - but here's also why), between by bf & I staying up late one night the main device area was left plugged in... I awoke to the horrible explosion of extremely close lightning.  I asked if everything had been unplugged.  No.        ; o ;

All told we lost...
-modded xbox 1
-xbox 360 arcade [jasper motherboard]
-my roomate's xbox 360 elite
-first gen 60 gig ps3 HDMI out
-65in 1080p dlp tv HDMI in
-asus motherboard powering the home theatre pc
-3 routers
-dimming light switches

All my equipment in my home-office was safe cuz I unplugged them myself!

At first we thought the PS3 was dead [which made me cry... i'm such a baby!!] but it gave out sound - we bought component cables to see if maybe just the HDMI out was broken.  LUCKILY this was the case so it wasn't SO BAD..... thank god now I can finish my Little Big Planet level instead of just thinking about it!  it's only 1080i now tho, no longer 1080p.  it's not terribly noticeable.... & trust me i'll get over it!

But seriously people save yourself the hassle & money - unplug shit if you live in a storm-prone area!


ps3 standby - not so harmless

you don't really need to read this article, but i link it just in case you want to yell at this fucktard as well.;contentBody

this guy rambles about how his girlfriend is so clueless that she thinks leaving a ps3 in standby is somehow a waste.  he then becomes extremely annoying & actually tests a ps3's standby wattage to prove her wrong.

i almost puked.

i researched some numbers & wrote him this letter because the broken website wouldn't allow me to comment.  just as well, i would have embarassed him pretty bad....

"according to there have been 8,648,821 ps3's sold in america from 2007-2009.  you said $1.53 per year per console of standby.  imagine if everyone took your misguided advice!!!!  that could be up to $13,232,696.13 per year WASTED ON STANDBY.  & that energy isn't made out of air yet.... don't you realize the total loss for your laziness is combined with the laziness of other people... & that loss is huge.  & all for nothing.  unless you are terminally ill, missing some limbs or so fat that you can't move, you have no excuse to be so lazy - you are selfish & myopic.  your girlfriend was right.  i think you should apologize to her.  if you were my boyfriend, every time i saw you not using the ps3 i would completely unhook every cable from it until you started turning it off. "


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