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  • Having played hours upon hours of the original as well as every expansion of this series, I cannot be more excited to see the vast improvements in action and experience this fantastic series all over again.

  • Rocksteady doesn't seem to have changed too much about this series, but that's totally fine. The first game was absolutely superb and I can't wait to simply see a continuation of Kevin Conroy beating the shit out of Mark Hamill with a pseudo-open world setting. Batman Beyond and TAS skins as DLC is pretty rad too.

  • Having just played through Bioshock just within these past few months and loving every audio log of it, I'm extremely excited to see the same formula that made the first game so great in another interesting setting, as well as vast improvements and new gameplay mechanics that are sure to make me squeal.

  • What else is there to say other than it's the end of a fantastic trilogy. Spent over 70 hours in ME2 over multiple playthroughs trying to get the perfect ending, and I'm sure I'll do the same with this one. Hope we see some more info on the story itself, or characters, but so far it's looking great.

  • Similarly to everyone else that enjoys games I'm getting pretty excited about this one too. I never did play the first Prey, but knowing that this is taking the setting to a far more open, interesting, unique, blade runner type world with neat space detective gadgets, and SHOULDER MOUNTED MISSILE LAUNCHERS...I'm intrigued to say the very least.

  • This game will surely be amazing. If the second game was any indication, it will raise the bar for cinematic action games and will end the series fantastically. One of my favorite series' to date.

  • Being my favorite series to date, and loving the setting, characters and plot Ubisoft have created, having just a few days ago jumped back into AC Brotherhood just to collect chests/flags and still enjoying it, I'm genuinely over-excited about this game. Knowing we'll get to finish Ezio's story as well as experience more from Altair's perspective is going to be both saddening and also fantastic. However; if there's one thing I'm a bit skeptical about, it's whatever the fuck is going on with Desmond. What the fuck, dude. INSIDE THE ANIMUS?!

  • Forza Motorsport 3 made me a fan of racing games in general. That game brought me in by introducing the handicap options for new drivers such as myself, and kept me in with the superb level of customization, the art creator, fantastic online, great track/vehicle selection, auction house, and a ramping difficulty that kept me engaged but never seemed too frustrating. Needless to say I'm going to buy FM4 and I'm going to enjoy every second of night-time races in the snow.

  • Guys. Borderlands 2. RPG mechanics, and a plethora of guns wrapped into a structurally incredible shooter: the sequel. What I'm trying to say is that I'm excited.