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It's the weekend! What have I been playing? - 17th April 2010

Ok, 2nd major blog post. Over the course of this week, I have been playing many games (as usual xD). I have stopped playing Far Cry 2, due to it just getting more and more annoying as I progress through the game. I have got a review up on here of the game, and it is in my opinion an average quality game. I got to play some Final Fight: Double Impact over at a friend's house, and that is pure arcade fun. Controls feel just right, and the combination of 2 classic arcade titles put into one release is an awesome deal. Also, I love the different screen effects you can have (dude, you can create old retro scan lines). 
I also have very recently played the Skate 3 demo, which I was pretty impressed with. Black Box have seemed to have nailed down the Skate formula here, and have refined it, making the controls more responsive. Graphics have been slightly improved, with better textures and lighting, but, not to worry, it's a fine looking game overall. It's a shame that the demo had a limited time window, becuase if it hadn't, I could of had a more in-depth look at the game. The most exciting aspect of the full game that I am looking foward to is the skate park creation tool, which, as expected, was not featured in the demo.  
I've been ranking up on Battlefield again, as usual, but still I am no closer to gaining 'The Dentist' trophy. No matter how hard I try, the opponent just knifes me before I have a chance to pull the move off. I've still been continuing my parachuting adventure in Just Cause 2, and I just finished one of the most thrilling moment of the whole game, which really took my breath away in it's sense of scope. I'm gonna say this without any story spoilers. You fight a guy with a tank on top of a effin' skycraper. If that isn't thrilling enough for you, that is not the final mission in the game. I am yet to complete this 20 hour adventure, but I really cannot wait for this game's epic conclusion.
Ok, that's just about going to do it for this week's blog post, but I will be back again next Saturday with another round up of what I have been playing!