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It's the weekend! What have I been playing? - 25th April 2010

Onto the third weekly blog post then. This week I have been fairly busy, which is probably due to today's 1 day late blog post, which should have been up yesterday (sorry). This week I have been playing a lot more of the Skate 3 demo, which I have found to be both good and bad, and I'm not sure how the actual game will turn out. Here's how i've found it so far in a sort of pro's and con's system:
- Classic Skate gameplay, Trick system works well
- Looks like a variety of challenges
- Great Visual Style
- Really sketchy frame rate that is all over the place (I hope they fix this for the full game)
- Mediocre graphics that look all a bit dated
- *Demo Only* Timer that limits play
So i've found its good points, and it's problems. That sort of sums up my Skate 3 demo experience. It felt very similar to the first 2 Skate games, but more refined, the trick system feels better. But the frame rate is still consistenly low, on my PS3 anyway. The graphics I found were very poor, everything seems to be blurred a lot, which probably hides the poor texture quality. So yeah, mixed opinions overall on that game. I have also been playing some more Just Cause 2, which I have completed! Well, not all the faction missions yet, but I have completed the story missions, and the ending to those is really insane and over the top.
I have also been revisiting some retro games with the release of After Burner: Climax on the PSN. This game is hyper fast, and runs at a really smooth frame rate. (Learn from this hey Skate?) Basically, it is an arcade jet fighter game, and you spend the whole game in the air blowing up other planes, all while travelling at seriously high speeds. The game does slow down when you get given the oppurtunity to activate like a bullet time sequence, which looks awesome, and does not break up the game's pace at all. You can expect a review of After Burner: Climax shortly.
I guess that does it for this week's blog entry.