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Growing Up

Any subscribers that have watched the recent Lantern Run, and then read the subsequent posts by Ryan already know what is going on. The short of it is, he said something in frustration that he immediately realized that he shouldn't have, and then apologized. It was that simple. To my mind, the reaction is more meaningful than the event in this case.

The problem, as is always the case, the community of people that decide to react in the worst way possible to the event. In actual fact, not even the event... the response to the event. Horrible, ignorant, little shitty people decide to express themselves and demonstrate their qualities to the world. Congratulations for that.

That kind of thing exemplifies why I am the kind of person that hates using forums. I'm still not always grown up enough to recognize idiocy and stupidity for what it is, and let the world decide for themselves that what was said was a marvelously stinking brain turd. It's the internet, and a lot of bullshit here is simply that.

Usually the argument for counter reaction to that stuff is that we should grow thick skin for words. My counter to that counter is that if you decide to use your free speech to say something stupid, than you're going to have to accept that you will need to deal with the consequences of saying it. Free speech is the right to say what you want, not the right to say what you want without consequences.