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On The Path of Weight Loss

So this is mostly just a bragging blog but I felt good about it and wanted to share. So due to events which I am no longer allowed to discuss on here I've lost 15 pounds over the past week and a half. The vague event which I cannot discuss continues for a period of two months. So that means that if I continue the current trend I'll be losing close to 100 pounds in 2 months. For someone who started at nearly 360 pounds that still leaves a fair amount of work before I hit my ideal weight but 100 pounds is a hell of a lot of weight to lose in just 2 months. Before I get yelled at again, I do not condone eating so little that you lose 15 pounds in a week and a half. Please be healthy when you diet and take in the correct amount of vitamins and minerals. There is a way to do this healthily and then then there is the type of situation I'm in. I am in no way saying what I am doing is healthy or the best way of going about it and encourage anyone who plans on losing over 100 pounds to discuss their plan with a nutritionist before starting any diet.

Today I weigh less than I have in a good 5 or 6 years. Although my weight loss is not the direct result of a healthy diet, I am glad that I am finally shedding those excess pounds. Other factors that have helped in my weight loss include rising early and being more active. These are again both effects of the events which I am not allowed to discuss. It has so far been a hard but rewarding week and a half. I've spent a lot of time incredibly hungry and incredibly tired but I'm hoping the end results are worth the suffering. I have suffered from my weight for most of my life but especially since I began puberty. Due to certain situations which I can also not discuss I gained a lot of weight and was unable to lose it. Now I am taking my life back. I am on the track to become a productive member of society, a better friend, a better family member and a better person.

Also for anyone who knows about the unnamed event which I am talking about, I apologize for offending some people and for not clearly stating my intentions. I was excited about this event and shared it in a way that was inappropriate. I hope this blog is much clearer in its intentions than the previous one. I'll say it one last time just in case I wasn't completely clear. It is not healthy to lose over 100 pounds in two months. Please do not go on a crash diet. My situation is unique and not the result of a healthy well planned diet. If you wish to lose weight please consult a nutritionist and make a plan that will allow you to get the correct daily allotment of nutrients. If you are losing more than 5 pounds a week chances are you are not eating correctly and could expose yourself to dangerous illnesses. My weight loss is NOT the result of any diet but of factors which I cannot name. That said, I'm glad to be losing weight and getting healthy and plan on continuing to work with my doctor to do this in the best way possible.

EDIT: Guys please stop guessing. I simply cannot tell you. If you really want to know then PM some mods and get them to reverse their decision. Barring that I simply cannot say.

EDIT 2: Okay I am going to try to describe this in a vague way because people are not willing to give it up. My weight gain was the result of a medical issue. This medical issue is something that I have been unable to overcome for a decade. I became complacent in accepting it as part of my life. Recently I said enough is enough and am working through a brutal regime to fix this problem. Weight loss is a side effect of this process. I am not trying to lose weight. It's more like I am returning to my body's natural weight now that the issues are slowly being fixed. What I am going through is incredibly terrible. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy. The end result I hope will be worth it, but please, please, please do not attempt to lose 15 pounds in one week. If I could choose I would not go about losing weight this way. Going slow but steady is the right way to do it. So again, medical issue. Please do not attempt. I seriously have never experienced anything so horrible as the past week and a half. I would not go through this if the only result was major weight loss. Thanks for understanding.

EDIT 3: Kind of crazy thing just happened. I weighed myself again tonight and I got some insane results. If my parents hadn't just used the exact same scale and got the correct weight I would say the scale is broken. I don't know what to say about this but instead of losing 15 pounds my scale read 303 pounds. I weighed myself three times and got the same weight every time. That would mean I've lost close to 60 pounds in a week and a half. I don't know how to feel about that. 15 pounds is one thing. 60 pounds is another. I'm going to weigh myself regularly over the next couple of days to verify but 303 pounds? That just can't be right could it?

EDIT 4: So I should really pay attention to where I put my scale. After realizing it was half on a carpet and half off I weighed myself with it standing level on the floor and clocked in at 333. So I've lost about 30 pounds. Much more believable than 60.