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  • This game was immediately dismissed by most as terrible, but as a lover of old-school arena shooters it was my first favorite downloadable title on PS3. There were lag issues that were improved but never quite resolved and it wasn't on par with huge games from Epic or Id, but for me it still delivered the goods.

    The tasks you had to complete to unlock weapon upgrades & costumes were completely unreasonable but they kept me coming back. It took me 90 hours of playtime to unlock the crossbow --and it was worth it! Using the invisibility perk and sniping people who never saw it coming brought a whole new level of fun to the game and kept me sinking even more hours into it. It's completely dead online now but for a $10 game the payoff was incredible for me.

  • I've always admired the badass style of the Contra series but in the past I've found the games too difficult to get into. I especially loved the gritty style of Shattered Soldier on the PS2 but as someone who just never earned his stripes at arcade games, it destroyed me ruthlessly.

    Hard Corps: Uprising solved that problem with the Rising Mode, which allowed me to earn upgrades and replay levels until they were beatable. This enabled me to learn the levels and strategies and use those skills to finally stand a chance in the arcade mode. It felt great to get the visceral thrill of improving and breezing through levels that seemed impossible the first few dozen times. Aside from being a great game, Uprising makes my list because it ushered me into a genre I found previously inaccessible. It's definitely made me want to go back and try my hand at some of the less forgiving titles in the series.