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I suck at platformers

So, I beat LittleBigPlanet and it was surprisingly frustrating. I mean, the levels are incredible but I'm not sure how if I like the checkpoint system. I think that they should've just made it unlimited lives per checkpoint. I mean, the game rewards you a lot if you go through the level without dieing (like, by giving you more items) and the levels in LBP are pretty dang long, I'm talking 10 minutes per level and if you get stuck, you gotta complete the whole level again. It might be just because I suck at platformers, which is obvious because I can't beat Super Mario World but for a game that's supposed to get the whole family smiling the game is a little too difficult.

But, besides that little gripe, the game is superb, review should be up tomorrow, along with a Portal: Still Alive review. Man that game is awesome.