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I'm going to be away for awhile,

Hey duders, 
I have noticed over the last few weeks that I have been logging on to GB a lot more than I used to, then I started to really take notice about how much I have logged on, and how it is affecting my life,  
The fact is, I started to join in the fun of GB when I was in a bad place in my life, I was made redundant, I left my gf, and I had to sell my beautiful car to pay my boarding bills for how long I did not know at the time, I used Giant Bomb as a crutch, to take my mind off of the shittyness that was happening in my life at that point.  
And then slowly and surely my life started to get better again, I got a good Job, (Not great but good) I moved in with my best mate, My friends started to help me get out of the rut that I was putting myself into,  
And all the while I was logging into Giant Bomb and using this as my internet second home, and it has been grand, I have had a lot of fun, I have met some absolutely brilliant people,  
But the thing is, and this is a major point, I have become addicted, It is an actual itch that needs to be scratched, I cannot stress this enough, I didn't think that I had an addictive personality, but it's really apparent that I do, the fact is I check this site when I am at work, first thing I do when I get home, turn on the pc and check GB, friday night after work, gb,  
I need to go Cold turkey, I know this seems absurd, but this is the reason I am writing this down, I need to put this in place, I need this to be a thing that will hold me to my goal,  
This isn't a leaving blog, this isn't in response to the current goings on, I am not going to say i'm leaving and never coming back, because that isn't true, I will be back, (Promise or a threat?) This is just me trying to get my life into perspective, 
To those who know me, know this, You're all awesome, I have had a blast,  
Keep doing the things you do, I hope to catch you soon. 
PSN: Black_Scotch-