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your bi-weekley drunken blog the spew fights back!

Hello and welcome to reds drunken escapades, how are you slll , I hope you're well, I am. 
So, because you must be really interested, I will tell you how my night went, besause it's my blog and i'll cry if i want to, what? I didn't say anything,  

A few drinks, that is what was promised, a few drinks was what was on offer, a few drinks is what I consumed, to the noise of the beat,. 
As I stumbled to the car, my sober driver started to snarl, it's getting late she hissed at the lads, obvious she was feeling bad, not to keen on waiting for the bus we stumbled in without a fuss three abreast we laughed and sung about the pub where we belung... 
That doesn't make sense, nut oh well, fuck it,  
as we yelled in the car, and sung our off key songs about misery, whilst being haphazardely about to something somethingery... 
i can't rhyme no more i tell because it makes no sense at all, if this is the final verse take me away in that dreadful hearse. 
fuck yeah, how's that for a slice of fried gold, suck iy biarches!