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Cleaning out my backlog, Part 1.2

First up was AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for Awesome, by Dejobaan, “indie video game developer that hangs around Boston, MA.” This is a follow up to AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! A Reckless Disregard for Gravity. I played the first one at the first PAXEast. Since it was in the Boston Indie Showcase I was able to talk to the creators about it and instantly fell in love with it. Once it arrived on steam I grabbed it and ending up playing it for about five hours.

This one feels a lot like the first. You are falling to the ground at crazy speeds. On your way down you want to get as close to buildings as you can to get more points. You get a couple of power ups on your way down. One is a flip it glove that allows you to give a thumbs up (left mouse) to cheering fans and what they describe as a rude gesture (right mouse) to the non-fans. Once you get close to certain buildings you can click the control key to tag the building and get more points. I felt this was awkward and usually resulted in forgetting what direction I was heading and I would crash into something.

When you load up the game all the levels are presented to you. You can scroll to each one and get a description of each level. Most levels are locked when you started the game and you play the unlocked levels to gain “teeth” which are used to unlock other levels. I was able to play for 75 minutes before I ran out of the currency to unlock more levels. You are encouraged to go back to other levels to get a higher star rating and earn more “teeth”.

I bought this game during the New Years steam sale. I believe there was an achievement locked to it. I loved the first one so I didn’t think twice about getting this one. Don’t know why I didn’t load it up to get the achievement though. This game might not be for everyone because the sense of falling can become a little intense. At some points I felt like I was on a roller coaster. I think I will go back to this game to try and unlock the final levels. I really enjoyed this game and would recommend it if you enjoy amusement parks and can’t wait for them to open in the spring. The game is $10 on Steam but you can buy the Dejobaan Complete Collection for $20 and it includes 5 games.