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2013 GOTY List

This is the first year that I've played a substantial amount of games to be able to formulate an opinion on the overall year itself, and it's been very exciting to say the least!

It has been a fantastic year overall. I really do think that this has been the best year of video games so far. The breadth of variety in the great games released this year is astounding. My list of games have never been so diverse. Criticism in games has become ever more pointed, and it's a sign of growth in the industry. And it's a wonderful way to cap off the end of the generation!

Having been away from Nintendo hardware and games for a long time, and coming back in full force this year with recent purchases in a 3DS XL and a Wii U, the difference in the types of games is pretty far reaching. I've realized how much I've missed by not playing Nintendo games. It's become a third pillar in how I would categorize video games: Triple A, Indie / Small, and Nintendo (also, competitive / esports), and it's certainly affected my list this year more than I expected.

But without further ado, I present to you my Top 10 (with 10 Honourable Mentions!):

Edit: Sorry Brothers and DmC, but Papers, Please and Device 6 just edges you out...

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Wow! I had completely forgotten about Year Walk. Great picks!