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@sbarre said:

I'm currently in the East and banging my head against some really tough enemy rooms and that stupid flame vent puzzle too. I've been debating just going back to town and exploring another direction so I'm glad to hear other people are doing the same.

I do like the game but I hope they patch in some balance and control tweaks over time.

Without spoiling anything, the flame vent puzzle is overall helpful but not a pre-requisite for that dungeon, I've come to discover. Don't lose too much time there.

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Chain Dash was first for me, and I'm glad it was. Key to a puzzle for an upgrade chip in one of the dungeons, and it helps get space and quickly get back in on certain mobs.

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@nickhead said:

I believe you can do the west/north/east at any time, with the south being the last. There were a few times where I felt I needed a certain ability to progress, but the mainline paths to the bosses don't really require anything like that. Just keep an eye out if you get stuck, paths are hidden really well.

Thanks! Yeah, I ended up abandoning my progress in the East and just wandered around. Now I'm in the West dungeon area playing around there.

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I began the game and got to a point where a skull (presumably a boss) appears on the eastern part of my map. I proceed to the dungeon and start going through.

It's pretty tough. I'm at a part where I believe the game wants me to platform across these flame vents, but I'm not sure if I need some upgrade to do this safely or if it's on me as a player to do something differently that makes it safe.

Which brings me to my questions. Are the dungeons in a certain order? Or is the path up to the player?

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