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Games of my Childhood, Pt 1 of 4

It's kind of eerie how I've, as of last month, been alive for 20 years. That's TWO DECADES! I've seen the rise of Nintendo, the death of the Dreamcast, the rise of digital distribution, and the eye rape that was the Virtual Boy. *shudders* Join me, fellow gamers, as we go on a JOURNEY THROUGH TIME. Where's Huey Lewis when you need him?!

List items

  • This was probably one of the first "real" games I played. I remember playing it vividly. Me and my friend Davey would play this at his house for hours, always getting stuck on the little rotating fuzzies part of Donut Island, then dying, then laughing our butts off. Why was it so funny? I don't really know! Maybe it was the googly eyes on the fuzzies, combined with the little jig Mario does when he dies. Don't tell me Nintendo games don't have hilarious expressions.

  • The first game system I owned was a PS1, and although we didn't have games like Metal Gear Solid or Final Fantasy and whatever, My siblings and me still hold this game VERY highly in our favorite games. So much so, that when I showed my brother Space Bust A Move, he said "Wait...where's the mermaid guy?!" Priceless.

  • Ah yes. One of my all time favorite franchises. Earliest memory of Pac-Man was probably playing Ms. Pac Man in a video rental store in Tahoe when I was about 4 or 5. Movies around this time? Mrs. Doubtfire and Jumanji. Does my photographic memory DISTURB YOU? Well too bad! It's gonna get even weirder the more this list goes on! Ha ha! Ha!

  • Oh Metal Slug, your sound effects of blood curdling screams and "Thank you!" was what really made a certain Wienershnitzel establishment THE best place to spend a lunch.

  • OH MY GOD. YES. One of the GREATEST arcade franchises of all time. Why do I like this game so much? Well, when I'm wearing the right type of shoes, and I feel like dancing, I'm pretty damn good at it. I have been told that I "totally raped that game." Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

  • Yo man, these taxis are CRAZY! Going all over the road, picking up KFC and shit. DAMN TAXI, YOU CRAZY!

  • This is a great-ass game. I didn't play it when it came out, I'd say I played it at a hotel with Broseph probably 02 or 03, but we would walk down from our room everyday and pump a SHITLOAD of quarters into it. Good times.

  • Okay this franchise, and all related franchises, are fun as hell. I love how people say it's just "pushing random buttons", when they can't face the fact that I kick ass at fighting games. Thank you, Giant Bomb, for reigniting my love for this genre.

  • The greatest Kirby game in existence, made even greater!

  • My first experience with a Mario Kart game! yay!

  • I'm gonna be honest; I've never owned this game. I borrowed it from someone at my old school until I beat it 100%. But I gave it back, so it's okay I had it for two months, right? RIGHT?! //._.;

  • Hey I don't care how new this game is, it's amazing! SOOOO MUCH CUSTOMIZATION *drools*

  • Animal Crossing never gets old. But if you play it for too much time at once, you will look in the mirror and be 20 years older. Beard, ear hair and everything.

  • I got this as a Xmas present from my teacher in 08. It's amazing!

  • Party games with capsule toys? Eternal bliss.


  • This is pretty much how me and Broseph got into Punk music. every punk song I ever liked I'm always like, "Wait...that was on Tony Hawk wasn't it?" Oh and playing BITCH instead of HORSE is always fun on this game. Ha.

  • This is when Pokemon games got really, really fun. All the games and weather effects they added are all just so awesome!

  • I found this at a garage sale in 04 or so for like 50 cents. and its AWESOME!


  • This is a great game, but for some reason it's REALLY easy to delete the save file by accident. Or maybe someone just erased my damn file. SCREW YOU, WHOEVER DID THAT!

  • Yeah so what? I'm obsessed with pinball! Big deal, wanna fight about it?

  • Mmmmmm. Four player co-op brawler. *drools*

  • YES. HELL YES. I barely remember this game but HELL YES. MARVEL. Woop woop!

  • For being only 8 bit, this game is pretty damn suspenseful!