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Oh Mass Effect, how I love thee!

I posted about Star Trek Online almost 2 weeks ago, and I have played some more and fully intend to spend more time in that universe.  However, Commander Shepard has grabbed my attention with her "save the universe" antics yet again.  Mass Effect was my favorite game of all time and I spent more time in that game than any other the last couple years playing it over and over again.  So as one might imagine, I had some pretty high hopes for Mass Effect 2.
Bioware did not disappoint.  I will say there are some changes I am not as happy with as other, but overall the entire experience just seems to feel better, from the redone inventory system (or lack thereof really) to the pretty tight shooting mechanics.  I could do without the mining mini left trigger finger will end up being super strong by the end of the game, but really you manage your investment in the mini game, so if you don't like it you can skip it.
All the new features aside,  Mass Effect always boils down to two things: characters and story.  Luckily Mass Effect 2 seems to still be great in these aspects.  I don't love all the new characters, but there are a few I do really like.  I think Mass Effect 1 edges out in terms of characters I like, but luckily there is still some interaction with these old friends friends to varying degrees.  And as to story, well that still rocks (of what I have seen so far)!
So I shall be romping the galaxy with my Mass Effect crew for a while.  I already have many sleepless nights. :)