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Best of 2010

My top 5 picks for GOTY 2010.

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  • This being my number 1 was unexpected. I figured I would like it as much as Big Boss' last portable adventure, which I liked but not love, but man was I surprised. I thought the MGS4 shooting mechanic wouldn't work on a PSP but I was wrong and I was able to adapt to it with ease. The story was great too, I especially loved the 1st ending and was kind of emotional when the "Godzilla" walk off happened as well as the after the credits scene the Metal Gear series is known for. This is Boss' story about his mentor's death and it can be very emotional. There is a lot more to talk about, I spent over 50 hours on my first play through, so I'll have to leave it here.

  • The God of War franchise is second only to the Metal Gear franchise to my eyes. I was eagerly awaiting this title, as the and of an "Epic", in the traditional sense, I had to get it. When I got the game I was blown away by the kind of craziness that it was offering. All the things I loved about the previous games was amplified from the set-piece boss fights, amazing level design, striking visuals, and visceral gameplay. The story was over the top and ultra serious making it awesomely ridiculous. Killing a god and causing the great flood in the first 30 minutes is great. It may not have revolutionized anything but it sure knew how to build on its predecessors.

  • I was at Gamestop and handed my brother 3 games and asked him which one I should buy; Bioshock, POP: Forgotten Sands, and Bayonetta. Holy fuck did he make the right choice. This game is on the other side of the character action crazy coin. Just non-stop ridiculous, hyper sexualized, impossible action (Motorcycle straight up a rocket leaving Earth's atmosphere). It never ends too! It just keeps going on with crazy shit after crazy shit! I was pretty fond of the characters by the end of the game (aside from Enzo) and Bayonetta is one of my new favourite characters as a result. The gameplay is also more DMC than GOW so it definitely has more challenge. I can't wait to see more of her (although I'm not sure what's left for her to do.)

  • This game wasn't even on my radar until a week before it's release. I knew Kojima wasn't involved outside of being the japanese casting director and some talk about character designs so it was already a let down. The fact that I didn't like Symphony of the Night didn't help either. But a week before it's release I decided to do research and I bought it almost as soon as it came out. I was not disappointed. The gameplay alone would have made it pretty fun but the story that was crafted around it and the voice acting was great made it one of my favourites for this year. The art style is great to going for what felt like Lord of the Rings which helped build upon it's dark atmosphere. There is also so much to do. The game is fairly long, my play through maybe 15-20 hours. Seeing as how the story is the best part if the game I can't in good conscience talk about it here.

  • One of the only Wii games I bought this year (Due to PS3 games costing $60 I tend to save for those rather than a console I don't own). Damn is this game good. I never played the first one so it was more of a whim (it was $20) and I feel I missed out on something. This game is crazy, and I fucking love crazy. It knows it's crazy and tells you its crazy and bathes in crazy. The mini-games were fun and random. I probably put hours in the pipe game. I also really enjoyed the combat in the game. I was sad that it wasn't any longer because I really enjoyed the boss battles and the craziness.