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Why I joined...

To be honest, I signed up to GiantBomb because I was sick of all the retarded comments from stupid stupid people, without having to call them out on their stupidness. I know that's a really lame reason to sign up, and it's lame that I'm even annoyed by the comments of someone I'll never meet, but still. I get annoyed so that you don't have to.

Hopefully I'll have some positive things to write here too, I mean, I've been meaning to get back into game-related writing, so maybe being here will make me write again. I've already got a livejournal that I put all my day-to-day writing and shit there, as well as having a seperate blog which is more of a 'character' that I write as, but I might put in some gaming related stuff here.

I might have to go out and dig up a few old entries and post them here too.....