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My Plunge into the World of Warhammer 40,000 Part Three

  My plunge into the World of Warhammer 40,000 is a series of blogs telling the tale of how I, a complete Warhammer 40,000 newb try and get deeper into the fiction by reading the books, playing the games and doing what ever else I can to try and make sense of these deep and rich fiction.
  My plunge into the World of Warhammer 40,000 is a series of blogs telling the tale of how I, a complete Warhammer 40,000 newb try and get deeper into the fiction by reading the books, playing the games and doing what ever else I can to try and make sense of these deep and rich fiction.

 Day Three 

So I'm still playing Dawn of War II on a regular basis, still trying my hand at the multiplayer and have yet to win any matches yet, might start trying 2v3 instead of 3v3, I figures there's less enemies to get in your way if there's less players? Worth a shot. 
Anyway, what I've realised so far is that I've been playing DoW2 but I'm not learning much, I'm not digging into the fiction enough. So as I was reading another chapter in my book, a few words and phrases popped up more than once which I didn't know what they were, so I decided to look them up to see what they are: 

Adeptus Astartes

This phrases came up a lot, judging from the context I assumed it was some sort of clan, or guild? Turns out this is just another way of saying Space Marines
I haven't figured out why they have another term for Space Marines, but they do. 

Chapter Master

There are separate factions within the Space Marines that are called Chapters, these Chapters are formed by following the guidelines of the Codex Astrates, allow some chapters don't follow the Codex such as the Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Dark Angels. Anyway, the Chapter Master is, if you haven't guessed it yet, the master of each Chapter. Obviously you can only become a Chapter Master if you are the best of the best 

Roboute Guilliman 

Heres a name thats shown up a few times, mostly mentioned when talking about ancient relics. 
Well turns out he's the Primarch of the Ultramarines chapter and supposedly reconstructed the Imperium of Man after the Horus Hersey war, and he was also notable of creating the Codex Astrates. 
So I can see why people talk about him so fondly. 


The Primarch consist of 20 genetically enhanced sons of the Emperor, including Guilliman. They were bred to be the perfect warriors, they are treated as Gods and were created after Horus Hersey to reclaim the lost worlds and they founded the 20 original Space Marine chapters. 
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The Space Marine Demo
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I'm sure a lot of people have played this demo now, it's available on the Xbox 360 Marketplace and on Steam if you preorder the game. So I got the 360 version, the demo features two levels, one a more traditional run and gun shooter, the other level featuring the Jump Pack. After playing each level I can say I enjoyed it. 
The shooting feels really precise, you can jump between shooting and melee with ease, you carry 4 weapons on you at any time, the demo includes a bolter pistol, bolter machine gun, bolter sniper (forgot the name for that) and some sort of grenade launcher which I didn't know how to use, I think you have to detotnate the grenades after you shoot them? And you also have 5 regular grenades. You can switch between these guns relatively easy in combat, I was able to snipe enemies from afar, swap to the grenade launcher and then to the machine gun to kill a horde of Orcs and it felt very natural. 
The melee combat is pretty simple, light and heavy attack buttons, although they're called light and stun, I believe because the only way to get health back in the game is to stun an enemy then press the B button when prompted to, to do a finishing move and regain health. 
The jump pack took a but of time to get used to but is extremely fun jumping in the air and crashing into a group of Orcs. 
As Vinny said in the podcast the characters definitely have a feeling of weight to them, you feel like you're controlling a giant Ultramarine around these battlefield. 
I also noticed the game had hidden collectibles in the form of audio tapes, and your character slows down when talking to some over the radio, but doesn't put his finger in his ear Marcus Fenix style. 
That about concludes my Warhammer 40,000 activities for today. 

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