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Best of 2011

I've spent more money on games this year (though much of it spent on older games), it's been a pretty good year though probably most of my time has been spent playing older games. Sadly several of the top game nominees I've not played this year the new Zelda, Gears of War 3, and Batman Arkham City. It's quite possible they would have made my list if I had played them.

Unlike, everyone else I guess or at least it seems, I have played/own Skyrim and I just haven't been able to get into it. As soon as the dragon shows itself and the game really starts it totally loses me. The controls feel all kinds of clunky to me. I feel like I'm always fighting to move/attack the ways I want causing me to lose any sense of immersion. I really want to love this game as many do, but I've yet to figure out how to do so. Perhaps if I can force myself to play it longer things will click. That's why it's missing from my list, man I'd love to hear that I'm not the only one that feels this way. I was convinced I'd love this game as I loved Fallout 3, and even had more fun in Oblivion than I've had so far in Skyrim.

List items

  • Was real hesitant to get this but finally all the positive comments especially on GiantBomb Podcasts got me to try out a 30 minute demo via OnLive which immediately lead to my purchasing the game (not on Onlive - still prefer fps live local on pc). This is just a blast it took me back to what I enjoyed in first GTA game I played. It's just fun and the open world allows you to focus on what you enjoy doing.

  • The dialog in this game makes it so enjoyable. Also I was happily surprised that so many of the puzzles didn't require gaming reflexes.

  • Best cop game yet. I hope new games continue in this direction. Fantastic game.

  • I spend hours playing these Magic the Gathering video games unlocking each decks cards. Really enjoy being able to team up with others and play against teams of others in this new release.

  • I love Tower of Defense games and this one is a great one with a cool twist being you place soldiers versus towers.

  • A simple, but because of that perhaps, enjoyable game. The view mode/controls felt quite clumsy at the start but I learned to appreciate them after a bit because they made the game a bit of a different experience than the typical game. I also like the price and length of the story as it was cheap and I was able to play it all the way through and had fun doing so.

  • This viciousness of this game is actually quite enjoyable. Never knew such nasty fighting of zombies could be so enjoyable.

  • I enjoyed this re-release with updated graphics and new content. Made it even further in the game this time (having restarted it from original Divinity 2 release).

  • First time I've spent time playing a Spiderweb game though I've read about that studio off and on over the years. I've enjoyed my time in this fantasy world. I like that leveling up skills makes a noticable difference and the missions and story of each are quite varied keeping it enjoyable for stretches at a time.

  • Not my favorite MMO but a good one with a great skill tree allowing you to build how you like so many classes/options for just 1 character.