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Average score of 4 user reviews

Despite its issues, Mirror's Edge pulls through in originality. 1

Editor's Note: Video review included! Both reviews took me quite awhile, and this is my first review in nearly a year. Both reviews differ from each other and include a few different thoughts. Unfortunately, my capturing device went FUBAR prior to the review, so I had to use trailer footage for the video. In result, I could not always use footage that fit the context. Enjoy!Video Review  Mirror's Edge Video Review from William Boso on Vimeo. Text ReviewThe story's main character, Faith. Mirror’s...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

Innovative & Ridiculously Fun 0

A console could never call itself complete without some sort of blockbuster zombie affiliated game lying around in its library. Capcom, who has always been there for the horror genre, has released another zombie thriller to the market. However, in Resident Evil's case, the consumer always fed off its haunting, bloodcurdling mood and atmosphere for desire. In Dead Rising, there are little to no survival-horror traits. Instead, there is only survival, and mindless brain-bashing festivity to be had...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Sold Board Game Action 0

Replicating the art of gathering in a digitized board game has always met sour ends for the past several years. Board games haven't exactly made a smooth transition to the video game world, as bringing together your family was always the point in playing in the first place. However, providing both rich gameplay and social affair may lead to a more entertaining and captivating experience, and that's precisely what Catan does. The rules of Catan can be little overwhelming at first play. You and y...

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Shining Force with an in-depth storyline. 2

The year 1997 was known for having some of the biggest gaming releases ever, namely role-playing games. With a mass of widely known, big-hit titles in its way, Konami experienced trouble showing off their turn-based RPG, Vandal Hearts. Although Vandal Hearts continues to be overlooked, it still shines greatly by immersing you in a plot-twisted story line, and exciting barbaric, yet strategic warfare. The protagonist in this story goes by the name of Ash Lambert, a vigorous platoon leader of the...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.