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Holy crap I won a fighting game tournament!

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Games I've Played/Beaten in 2019

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  • Xbox Exclusive Demo Completed: January 7

    Completed with an A Rank on my first try. The boss screwed me up quite a bit unfortunately. Hope to try for an S rank later on, but I'm not terribly fond of playing this on an OG Xbox One either. Still very much hyped for the main game in just a couple short months from now.

    Main Game Story Complete: March 13 (Devil Hunter)

    I'm seriously ready to claim this to be the best DMC game. It's a bit on the easier side until the end but I feel like that makes a better introduction for newcomers. Like others I would have liked a bit more variety in the levels as well but the combat is probably the best it's ever been and I feel like I'm only just scratching the surface. Can't wait to jump back into this one after a small break.

  • Overkill Edition

    Main Campaign Complete: January 5 (PS4)

    This game's alright. I like some of the movement options you have like dodges and jumps but I feel like loot should drop more often than it does. The story isn't all that interesting either. However, the main thing that drew me to the game, the Motorhead campaign, is up next. Can't wait to dive into that.

  • Story Complete: February 5 (PS4, Standard Difficulty)

    I originally wasn't planning to pick this up until later but wanted to play it along with friends and to get ahead of spoilers if I could. It's pretty great and by the end I definitely had some feelings. I'm glad the Seeker of Darkness arc is over though and can't wait to see what comes next.

  • Campaign Complete: February 17

    Thank you Game Pass 2 Months for $2 Promotion. Definitely doesn't capture the highs of the original (and after playing some of it, sadly it doesn't hold up so well either) but it's still a good game to pass the time with. Wouldn't recommend buying it at full price though.

    However, I must mention a few issues I had with the game and keep in mind I'm playing on a base Xbox One. The game hitched up more times than I can count. After the first few times where it was glaring I eventually got used to it but keep that in mind. The boss variety was also very disappointing as a majority of them were giant mechs.

  • Remaster Beaten: March 1 (PS4, Normal Mode)

    I had a much better time with this than when I played it about 13 years ago. I think my dislike of tank controls severely hindered my enjoyment of the game at the time. Thanks to there being analog control this time around, I think I had a much better time with the game, even beating the Dark Realm this time around. Really hoping for at least a remaster of 2 someday as that was my favorite of the original trilogy.

  • Best Ending Complete March 16 (Xbox One through Game Pass)

    I left the game on while at work or sleeping a couple times to earn money so I cheesed it a bit but I think I had a slightly better time than some did because of it. Played through Game Pass on a base Xbox One and had a few audio issues come up from time to time that really bothered me. Other than that, I thought it was fine. A bit too streamlined but not all that awful.

  • Arcade Mode Complete: April 2 (PS4 w/ Red Ranger, Magna Defender and Mastodon Sentry on point)

    It's fun. Janky for sure, but fun. I bought the CE so I'll have access to the season pass as stuff comes out. I'm glad we're getting free characters as well.

  • Game of the Year Edition (PS4) Complete: April 14

    I like quite a bit of the quality of life improvements added to this version like the mini map. There were quite a few audio flubs though and an occasional other issue. Hopefully some more patches will come out to fix the little issues that cropped up for me.

    Zombie Island Complete: April 14, plus 100% trophies for this DLC

    Still like this DLC. It's not bad. I'm probably skipping over the Moxxi DLC.

    General Knoxx DLC Complete: April 21

    This DLC made me realize one thing I wish was added to the DLC in this version of the game. There needs to be more fast travel stations in the various areas in the individual DLCs. Always being back in T-Bone Junction away from other main areas in this DLC got old pretty quickly. Otherwise it's a good expansion to the main story and the main villain corporation Atlas.

  • I've been on a Warriors kick lately after playing more of Fire Emblem: Warriors this year. Bought the Definitive Edition and had a blast with it. Kind of burned out on the optional maps though and started suffering weird visual glitches on some maps.

  • I guess I'll briefly go over my time with the Castlevania franchise first.

    Played a bit of Aria of Sorrow at a friend's house and was hooked, though I never bought that game for some reason. Rented the first PS2 game that I can't remember the name of, never finished it but after poor first impressions, I ended up enjoying it. Dawn of Sorrow was the first game in the series I bought for myself and it's probably my favorite out of all of the ones I've played. Bought SotN on the 360, got to the inverted castle and quit soon after either due to burn out, getting lost and frustrated, or just wanting to play other games on my new console and never went back. Bought and beat Portrait of Ruin, I liked it but I don't think I loved it. Eventually bought the Requiem collection on PS4 and finally beat SotN. It's a classic and is still really fun to play.

    With all that out of the way, what did I think of Bloodstained? It's pretty fun, but not without issues. There's quite a few minor glitches that bring things down a notch and it can sometimes feel a bit off. The story's nothing to write home about but it's serviceable. The exploring though is quite good and I loved figuring out where to go on my own. Overall I'd probably put it right with Portrait of Ruin, maybe a bit above it, but it pales in comparison to Symphony and Dawn. Still worth playing though.

  • Beat the game with Nisha who was at the time my least favorite character. She's pretty fun, though I don't care about her personality much. Trying to play all of the Borderlands games leading up to 3's release.

  • While saving up money to have my car fixed, I decided to revisit this and had a great run where I unlocked two characters at once. After that I kept playing and beat another run. Haven't put nearly as much time into this as the original, but I might do so now.

  • Might be my favorite fighting game so far this year (as of August) Time will tell but I like focusing on the fundamentals more than some other aspects of fighting games so a game based almost entirely around that is a nice change of pace.

  • I'll be honest, I never got through the story mode in this game back when it was on the Vita and I still haven't gotten through it here on the PS4. I also don't like the UI as much here as I do in the 3/5 Dancing games. I hope to go back to it someday soon though.

  • You can pretty much say what I put for P5D here as well.

  • It's great to see these characters again from one of my favorite games of 2017. I really enjoyed the remixes in the game and the moments when you hang out with this cast are a blast.

  • It's fun and I enjoyed the story mode pretty well. Not sure when I might come back to this one since I last played it before Shang Tsung came out and now Nightwolf is out.