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Games I Feel I Should Have Bought In 2010

For one reason or another there are always some games I end up passing on.  Sometimes it is money, sometimes it is time, sometimes there turns out to be something about a particular game that just sours me on it but then I feel guilty for not buying it anyway.

List items

  • I thoroughly enjoyed the first 2 Yakuza games. At one point there were no games on the PS3 I simply had to play so I was waiting for a reason to buy the system. I told myself if Yakuza 3 actually came out I would buy the PS3 and a copy of Yakuza 3 and be happy. That's a lot to spend for one game but I would have done it. Instead I ended up getting the PS3 and Valkyria Chronicles. For a long time that was good enough for me but since then that collection has filled out. Still, when Yakuza 3 came out something about it just didn't sit right with me and I didn't buy it. I feel almost like I should, even if I never play it.

  • While not exactly my preferred game I do enjoy the Devil May Cry games. Being that at least on the surface this looked like that but sexier it should have been a shoe in for me. I've seen and heard a lot of great things about this game but I've never quite settled on picking it up. I'm sure at some point I will but I'm not really in any rush to do so.

  • I picked up a used copy of Rock Band from a buddy when he upgraded to Rock Band 2. I got his nearly busted guitar and his worn out drums as well. I still had a great time. However, my schedule and apartment living never quite provided a time for me to drum without feeling like a douche-y neighbor and I had sort of had my fill of plastic guitars by then from Guitar Hero. I was all set to pickup RB3 and all new equipment but it just didn't happen. Instead I got a Kinect and Dance Central so I guess Harmonix still got a little of my money.

  • I had to make a choice between this or Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit. At the time I didn't know a lot about this game so I picked the cars. I don't regret my choice but I realize now that I really want this game. However, being that it is Christmas time I held off buying it for myself. Figured it would be a good thing to put on a wish list. If I don't have it by New Years though, I'll be hunting it down.

  • I played a demo of the first Sly game and loved it. Great sense of style and it was a lot of fun. Somehow I never manged to pick up any of these games though. I was really excited by this collection as a means to enjoy those games and still hope to pick this up. I just hope I don't wait for a whole new console generation to come along before I do.

  • I need more Wii games. I need to feel like that thing serves a purpose taking up space on my shelf. Generally there are only 1 or 2 solid games a year that I have any interest in picking up for the Wii and this was one of them. It is Kirby and I like Kirby. It is adorable and I do like adorable things. However, I just keep putting my game budget into other things.