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Videogames In The News...For All The Wrong Reasons

I was recently talking to my stepfather about this, now very public, EA and Activision legal dispute. For those not in the know, Activision is doing what they normally do and are trying to sue EA since EA is helping support the new company headed up by the old heads of Infinity Ward. Activision is angry about the new deal, and thus are causing all sorts of headaches for EA. 
      My Stepdad read about it in the Wall Street Journal as well as CNET, and this is the first time he has ever approached me in conversation about a videogame topic. I explained to him what I hajve heard about the whole debacle (including many issues the game industry, but not the news services, are reporting). The sad thing to me, and the reason for the title of this post, is that finally a generation who would normally not look at games as an industry are looking at it. 
    But they are looking at it not for financial success, but as a model of financial and legal immaturity. Makes me sad when the industry itself is often doing very well.
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