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GOTY 2012

Also known as "The Blog That Ruined Christmas."

I don't know how exactly, but... My Christmas has been a mixed bag of awkward and such. And because of that, I decided to spend some time writing up my Game of the Year stuff instead of figuring out how to work those new-fangled gifts! (Also formatting is annoying and I stopped doing pretty pictures at the end. I know. I'm lazy!)

Onward! Starting with

Number 10: Pokemon Conquest

No Caption Provided

Okay. I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Dynasty Warriors and an even bigger adoration for the Pokemon franchise. This title kind of threw me off guard and I think was missed out on by quite a few people. It's set in a feudal Pokemon world, that idea alone is incredibly dumb and I love the incredibly dumb and how this was a bit of a strategy game.

It was good for passing the time and decently memorable. Words aren't my strong suit. MOVING ON.

Number 9: Scribblenauts Unlimited

No Caption Provided

I have a WiiU and Scribblenauts seemed like a no brainer. I was just looking for any excuse to make it rain shining handsome dapper sugar daddies much like I have always wanted in reality...

Wait what? Pfft, as if! Team Tiny Pink Cthulhu all the way! >.>

Number 8: Lollipop Chainsaw


I've always had a bit of a massive and completely uncontrollable lust for crush on Tara Strong. Her taking the role of Juliet Starling was insane happy making for me, since I'm always looking for titles that are lighthearted, silly, and chaotic. Much like the persona that Tara seems to have. I'm quite alright with playing "Fan Service: The Game" and don't have much else to contribute since I'm still a bit busy collecting all of the outfits. And giggling at the

Number 7: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy

Rhythm games have always been fun on the go. Final Fantasy has a bit of an impact on me as well. (One-Winged Angel, anyone?) It had a play style that reminded me greatly of Elite Beat Agents and just the assortment of characters to bring back some Final Fantasy nostalgia. The game just felt and looked really really good, with enough challenging aspects to have me paying all of my money for more songs. It was a real treat. Even if I still have no idea how one would exactly say "Theatrhythm."

Number 6: Paper Mario: Sticker Star


Number 5: Botanicula

I like whimsy, puzzles, mad clicking, and mushrooms. Something about how vibrant it was and such made me think of a cross between two movies from my childhood: Ferngully and Once Upon a Forest.

The more I think about the beginning of Once Upon a Forest, the more my eyes well up. Poor Michelle. :(

Botanicula is just visually appealing and quirky.

Number 4: Mass Effect 3

All of the issues surrounding the end of the game aside, the journey to that point was worthwhile. Sure, the urgency of my tasks didn't feel very believable and a whole slew of other constant issues... (Javik is ESSENTIAL, god dammit) I had a wonderful time. My expectations were wildly high for this title, but I'm glad that it was able to reach an end. I liked seeing the major and even minor decisions I had made previously carry over. I mostly liked sweet talking Liara and paling around with Legion... The multiplayer hasn't grown old yet and I doubt it will for some time to come.

Number 3: Journey

It didn't feel so much like a game as much as it did a visually and audibly stunning experience that had me connecting and discovering with people who are very much unlike myself. Journey also made me wish I knew how to chirp and could wear a 30-foot long scarf without tripping.

Number 2: The Walking Dead

Racially ambiguous children are pretty common. And Clem's my favorite in a game. And everything nice that could be said about this game has been done... I adored growing fond of and attached to protagonist's that don't fall under the norm of a middle aged white guy. Love ya, Lee. <3

...I love ya so much. T_T

Number 1: Borderlands 2

More of the same! And I loved the first game. Just pump it straight into my veins. AW FUCK YEAH. TORGUE TORGUE TORGUE.


So... Yep. Those are my games and I'm not one for blogging as I'm lazy as hell. But here are some honorable mentions for you~

Games That Didn't Quite Make It Because I Spaced On Them Existing or Didn't Get In Enough Time For A Real Opinion!/Honorable Mentions!

Gravity Rush, Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit, Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, ZombiU, Persona 4 Golden, Nintendo Land.



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Edited By sparklykiss

Also known as "The Blog That Ruined Christmas."

I don't know how exactly, but... My Christmas has been a mixed bag of awkward and such. And because of that, I decided to spend some time writing up my Game of the Year stuff instead of figuring out how to work those new-fangled gifts! (Also formatting is annoying and I stopped doing pretty pictures at the end. I know. I'm lazy!)

Onward! Starting with

Number 10: Pokemon Conquest

No Caption Provided

Okay. I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Dynasty Warriors and an even bigger adoration for the Pokemon franchise. This title kind of threw me off guard and I think was missed out on by quite a few people. It's set in a feudal Pokemon world, that idea alone is incredibly dumb and I love the incredibly dumb and how this was a bit of a strategy game.

It was good for passing the time and decently memorable. Words aren't my strong suit. MOVING ON.

Number 9: Scribblenauts Unlimited

No Caption Provided

I have a WiiU and Scribblenauts seemed like a no brainer. I was just looking for any excuse to make it rain shining handsome dapper sugar daddies much like I have always wanted in reality...

Wait what? Pfft, as if! Team Tiny Pink Cthulhu all the way! >.>

Number 8: Lollipop Chainsaw


I've always had a bit of a massive and completely uncontrollable lust for crush on Tara Strong. Her taking the role of Juliet Starling was insane happy making for me, since I'm always looking for titles that are lighthearted, silly, and chaotic. Much like the persona that Tara seems to have. I'm quite alright with playing "Fan Service: The Game" and don't have much else to contribute since I'm still a bit busy collecting all of the outfits. And giggling at the

Number 7: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy

Rhythm games have always been fun on the go. Final Fantasy has a bit of an impact on me as well. (One-Winged Angel, anyone?) It had a play style that reminded me greatly of Elite Beat Agents and just the assortment of characters to bring back some Final Fantasy nostalgia. The game just felt and looked really really good, with enough challenging aspects to have me paying all of my money for more songs. It was a real treat. Even if I still have no idea how one would exactly say "Theatrhythm."

Number 6: Paper Mario: Sticker Star


Number 5: Botanicula

I like whimsy, puzzles, mad clicking, and mushrooms. Something about how vibrant it was and such made me think of a cross between two movies from my childhood: Ferngully and Once Upon a Forest.

The more I think about the beginning of Once Upon a Forest, the more my eyes well up. Poor Michelle. :(

Botanicula is just visually appealing and quirky.

Number 4: Mass Effect 3

All of the issues surrounding the end of the game aside, the journey to that point was worthwhile. Sure, the urgency of my tasks didn't feel very believable and a whole slew of other constant issues... (Javik is ESSENTIAL, god dammit) I had a wonderful time. My expectations were wildly high for this title, but I'm glad that it was able to reach an end. I liked seeing the major and even minor decisions I had made previously carry over. I mostly liked sweet talking Liara and paling around with Legion... The multiplayer hasn't grown old yet and I doubt it will for some time to come.

Number 3: Journey

It didn't feel so much like a game as much as it did a visually and audibly stunning experience that had me connecting and discovering with people who are very much unlike myself. Journey also made me wish I knew how to chirp and could wear a 30-foot long scarf without tripping.

Number 2: The Walking Dead

Racially ambiguous children are pretty common. And Clem's my favorite in a game. And everything nice that could be said about this game has been done... I adored growing fond of and attached to protagonist's that don't fall under the norm of a middle aged white guy. Love ya, Lee. <3

...I love ya so much. T_T

Number 1: Borderlands 2

More of the same! And I loved the first game. Just pump it straight into my veins. AW FUCK YEAH. TORGUE TORGUE TORGUE.


So... Yep. Those are my games and I'm not one for blogging as I'm lazy as hell. But here are some honorable mentions for you~

Games That Didn't Quite Make It Because I Spaced On Them Existing or Didn't Get In Enough Time For A Real Opinion!/Honorable Mentions!

Gravity Rush, Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit, Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, ZombiU, Persona 4 Golden, Nintendo Land.

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Edited By ImmortalSaiyan

I love that Pokemon Conquest even exists. The combination is bananas, got to get to that some time. Tara Strong is a fantastic VA and she made Juliet a appealing character. She sold that character perfectly. I hope to see more of Juliet or just Tara Stong in games. Bring on the Twlight Sparkle video game!

Nice number 2 and 3. Same as mine.

Edit: Is that a Cardcaptor Sakura outfit for Juliet? rad, i remember that show and now I want to know what other costumes were hidden in there. Please tell me there is a Sailor Moon. With the hair that would be perfect.

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Edited By sparklykiss

@ImmortalSaiyan: Right? Pokemon Conquest was supremely dumb but enjoyable. I also want a (real) Twilight Sparkle game. It'd be wonderful. For now we have to wait, I guess!

And, no, actually. It's Haruna from Is This A Zombie? The character looks a lot like Sakura and fights with a chainsaw. There aren't any Sailor Moon suits, but they have High School of the Dead. ...I want a Sailor Venus costume.

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Edited By ImmortalSaiyan

@Sparklykiss: That sucks. Just did a google search of that shows. I'd much rather Cardcapter Sakura instead of that moe nonsense.

If Lauren Frost was involved with the game I bet it would be good. Just wonder what a Twilight Sparkle game would be about. In terms of gameplay. I would proably have a full on Friendship is magic game. So I can play as Pinkie Pie. My would be complete at that point.

Mars was always my favorite Sailor Scout.

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Edited By Hizang

Lollipop Chainsaw, thanks now you reminded me how shit that game was, all those bad memories are flooding back!

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Edited By Pabba

Get back to Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask! It's more predictable than other adventures, but still a solid one, with some great mini-games.