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Pass The Whiskey - Episode 1: That's Our Title

Oh, hey! So...

I had this SUPER SECRET PROJECT IDEA... THING™ where there would be an all Whiskey Media site friendly podcast and we focus on the community and such, in an effort to spotlight and take a swig of that good ol' Whiskey fun. Or something. Maybe spotlight and profile a user and make a podcast biweekly. ...Obviously, this already needs an overhaul because I don't know what I'm doing and decided to just wing it despite constant sniffling. Sexy, oui?


So join me, slowbird, and JJWeatherman in our "Our Self Esteem is Super Low, and This Cannot End Well" launch of PTW! We talk about E3, prove how we aren't professional, express our exhaustion, and talk about magic and ponies!

Pass The Whiskey - Episode 1: That's Our Title 
Feel free to fire me a message or comment below with your input, heck, even tell me about what you had for lunch if you feel so inclined. And if you want to listen to JJWeatherman and send him your cool stuff, have at. I dare you, even! We also have a Formspring if you'd like to send us feedback/questions/hate mail anonymously. And if it's bad, maybe it won't be that bad, yes? Pardon my sniffles, I'll be healthy for next time. If that even happens... 
Things to work on: 
  • Everything
  • Don't let this turn into Slowbird's Comedy Hour Featuring Sparklykiss, that's letting the bad guys win.