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Bought a PS3... again.

Those who've read up on my blogs know my recent frustration with purchasing a PS3.  I decided to buy a new PS3, backwards-compatibility be damned, and I'll pick up a PS2 when I buy a new HDTV sometime this year.  Why buy the PS3 first and the PS2 later?  Good question, and damned if I know the answer.  I just know I'm really stoked to play games like MGS4 and Valkyria Chronicles, not to mention the various downloadable games (Wipeout and the original Suikoden in particular).

I'll eventually move the current TV to the bedroom and replace it in the living room with a gargantuan HDTV.  Write me your recommendations for an HDTV if you'd like - any and all comments would be appreciated.  And if you have any particular recommendations for PS3 games, I'm willing to listen.  I own all three consoles (or will, once the PS3 is set up), so if there are games you've played that work better on the PS3 than the 360, feel free to toss those in too.

So yeah, I'm very excited.  Right now, I'm ordering Call of Duty: World at War, MGS4, Valkyria Chronicles, and Disgaea 3.  There will be more to follow in the coming months (I'm looking at you, Ratchet and Clank & Resistance!), so stay tuned for my unwarranted opinions!