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Just bought a PS3 to complete my current gen console collection

Whew... talk about impulse shopping.

On Sunday, I gave away my old PS2 to my cousins.  I used it as an excuse to finally purchase a 20 gig PS3.  I specifically wanted the 20 gig for its backwards compatibility, as there are a ton of games for the PS2 I've yet to play or games I want to revisit (never did finish FFXII).  This will bring me up to speed on all the current consoles.  I love having the option to purchase any game for any system and not having to worry about system exclusivity.  I just hope the consoles last a good, long time to warrant the purchases.

The PS3 should be here within a few days, along with copies of Metal Gear Solid 4 and Valkyria.  I'll be purchasing a few older games for the system when January or February rolls around and I've got a bit more cash.  If you've got any favorites, list 'em below.  Right now, I'd definitely like to get Disgaea 3 & Resistance.  Beyond that, the field is pretty much open.