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The current state of anime . . . and maybe other thoughts . . .

As an avid anime fan for well over eight years, I've felt less and less interest in anime these days. Not anime in general, as I still love a good anime series, but about the lack of quality, originality, or overall badassitude. It feels like it's been forever since I've truly been immersed/completely obsessed with any particular anime series (and by forever I mean at least a year). Current series like FMA: Brotherhood still keep me tuned in every week, and recent standouts such as Eden of the East and Bakemonogatari peaked my interest, but it's been a while since there have been anime as badass as Gurren Lagann or as addictive as Code Geass. 
The worst part of it is that its the action/adventure genre that has really suffered over the years. All the decent anime these days are either romances (i.e. True Tears), dramas (i.e. CLANNAD After Story), comedies (i.e. Minami-Ke, K-ON!, Tora-Dora!) or hybrid genres that don't fit into traditional molds (i.e. Eden of the East, Bakemonogatari). There's nothing wrong with that. But its been a while since I've really enjoyed a good-old fashioned action/adventure series. FMA: Brotherhood comes close, but it's more or less a rehashing of an existing series (not to mention I've already read the manga), Gundam 00 S2 was disappointing despite having some great action set pieces, Macross Frontier was okay but not spectacular (the only thing that kept it afloat was the music), and Code Geass R2 was only good because it was so bad. Looking at all the anime that have come out in the past couple of years, as well as the anime that are coming out this year, the vast majority look like they are either trying too hard to scratch the itch of the growing ecchi fanbase or rehashing old concepts poorly (btw Queen's Blade is actually pretty decent, as long as you watch the whole thing). 
Now it's true that I've been very busy lately with work and school so naturally I've had less and less time to watch anime, but neither has there really been many series that have stood out to me. And even the ones that have often ended up being disappointments (I'm looking at you Haruhi Suzumiya). This is why I often stay up late re-watching Gundam SEED or Code Geass (the first season) rather than the new series that are constantly being aired in Japan. 
Oh yeah, I guess I'll conclude with the Top Ten Anime of 2009. Well here we go (not really in order, except for CLANNAD): 
1. CLANNAD ~After Story~ 
2. Tora-Dora! 
3. Gundam 00 Second Season
4. K-ON! 
5. Bakemonogatari 
6. Nyan Koi!
7. Kara no Kyoukai 7 
8. Canaan
9.  Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini
10. To Aru Majutsu no Index 
P.S. Nodame Cantabile: Finale is looking promising. I'm also hopeful that the anime series will have something original to add at the end of the series (since the manga ending is disappointing).



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Edited By spazmaster666

As an avid anime fan for well over eight years, I've felt less and less interest in anime these days. Not anime in general, as I still love a good anime series, but about the lack of quality, originality, or overall badassitude. It feels like it's been forever since I've truly been immersed/completely obsessed with any particular anime series (and by forever I mean at least a year). Current series like FMA: Brotherhood still keep me tuned in every week, and recent standouts such as Eden of the East and Bakemonogatari peaked my interest, but it's been a while since there have been anime as badass as Gurren Lagann or as addictive as Code Geass. 
The worst part of it is that its the action/adventure genre that has really suffered over the years. All the decent anime these days are either romances (i.e. True Tears), dramas (i.e. CLANNAD After Story), comedies (i.e. Minami-Ke, K-ON!, Tora-Dora!) or hybrid genres that don't fit into traditional molds (i.e. Eden of the East, Bakemonogatari). There's nothing wrong with that. But its been a while since I've really enjoyed a good-old fashioned action/adventure series. FMA: Brotherhood comes close, but it's more or less a rehashing of an existing series (not to mention I've already read the manga), Gundam 00 S2 was disappointing despite having some great action set pieces, Macross Frontier was okay but not spectacular (the only thing that kept it afloat was the music), and Code Geass R2 was only good because it was so bad. Looking at all the anime that have come out in the past couple of years, as well as the anime that are coming out this year, the vast majority look like they are either trying too hard to scratch the itch of the growing ecchi fanbase or rehashing old concepts poorly (btw Queen's Blade is actually pretty decent, as long as you watch the whole thing). 
Now it's true that I've been very busy lately with work and school so naturally I've had less and less time to watch anime, but neither has there really been many series that have stood out to me. And even the ones that have often ended up being disappointments (I'm looking at you Haruhi Suzumiya). This is why I often stay up late re-watching Gundam SEED or Code Geass (the first season) rather than the new series that are constantly being aired in Japan. 
Oh yeah, I guess I'll conclude with the Top Ten Anime of 2009. Well here we go (not really in order, except for CLANNAD): 
1. CLANNAD ~After Story~ 
2. Tora-Dora! 
3. Gundam 00 Second Season
4. K-ON! 
5. Bakemonogatari 
6. Nyan Koi!
7. Kara no Kyoukai 7 
8. Canaan
9.  Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini
10. To Aru Majutsu no Index 
P.S. Nodame Cantabile: Finale is looking promising. I'm also hopeful that the anime series will have something original to add at the end of the series (since the manga ending is disappointing).

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Edited By InfiniteGeass

I know what you mean. There just hasn't been any anime that has popped out at me as something that I have to watch. The only new series that I watched in 2009 were the second season of Haruhi and K-ON!. I did start FMA: Brotherhood late in the year, but I'm way more interested in the manga at this point. I need to find something new to watch, but can't figure out what yet.

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Edited By natetodamax

I got into anime around Christmas break. I'm currently watching Gurren Lagann, which is totally nuts.