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Double Feature Weirdness

I had some matches against both Jakob187 and Imperious Rix recently and they turned out much more than just another set of matches. My inexperience in fighting Vega, me trying my darnest to learn C. Viper, and some unexplained lag spikes made for some interesting situations. Also almost all of my video recorded with Jakob187 was messed up due to audio problems. Never the less this is the result.



Now i also had some matches with LordofUltima but due to the lag spikes mentioned above we both came to the conclution that we would need to rerecord the matches when the lag was fixed (which im still working on it) but we did have a mindblowingly strange Vega mirror match that I just had to post. You can find the strange parts im talking about yourselfs that includes Ultima's inablility to block wall attacks when in the corner.


Gambit Vs SpecialBuddy: Part 2 AKA Rufus Madness

So ya I got my TE FightStick finally to replace my crappy EX2 and found i played a way better Rufus with it even if i did miss a bunch of LK to HP combos. In my defence thoughs things are hard to do mid match. So here is part two, but not final, of my matches against Gambit.


Gambit Vs. SpecialBuddy SF4 Limited Edition Third Strike Flavor

In my continued matches against Gambit we dived into the twilight zone and played some Third Strike. Now Im terrible at this game. I mean I REALLY suck at this game. Never the less I still enjoy playing it.

p.s. I keep pressing the start button seeing as im used to SF4 and skipping the intros and such. I stop after a while though.


p.p.s. Q is still the man.

SpecialBuddy Vs. Gambit

Me (SpecialBuddy-GT: CannedHedgehogs) and Gambit (GT: Gambit1986) had a few fights today and I thought that i would put my new dazzle to the test. Now me and him havent really had the chance to play all that much so we were both really rusty. With wiffed grabs and missed combos abound please enjoy my first video.


Come'n back BLAZEN!

So recently my Xbox took a turn for the worst and red ringed on me after 3 days of faulty video. Sent it off Tuesday (at my own expence. thanks MS) and should have it back in a week or so. That being the case I haven't had time to play my crack that is Street Fighter IV. This not being a completely bad thing cause during that time I came into some money and now have big plans for when I start playing again. These being:

  • Brand new stick. Not sure which yet just not a crappy Hori EX2 anymore.  UPDATE: Just bought a tournament edition stick. Im happy.
  • Video Recordification Device. Ill start uploading matches to the forums so that everyone has the chance to witness to my suck against fireballs.
  • Hopefully these videos will feature voice chat although im not sure how it works. If anyone has a way please share.
  • Still will be playing Gen 80% time. Rufus and Seth will make a here and there apperance just so I can stay fresh.
  • Maybe the intro of a new character although not sure which. I have it down to three but im comparing pros and cons. (I can say though it wont be a shoto or Blanka. I hate Blanka)
  • Maybe some Third Strike Videos between me and Gambit. Those always turn out well seeing as I suck at that game. Q FTW!

Other than that im really excited to get back into this game. Oh and for that one person who knows who they are....hope your ready to go home crying cause your going back to your mamma!



Online fails me for the first time...

Last night me and LordofUltima played a good long session of Street Fighter IV and it was the first time I had faced him and the first time I noticed that the lag really messed up how that game is played. Now I dont know if he tapped the matches but I hope he did cause I want to watch them again to figure out what the hell was going on. 

It started out with me lossing and winning the same amount as he was. Going back and forth between my Gen/Rufus and his Akuma. Now this didnt last for long because then he started learning my patterns faster than I was learning his. Dont get me wrong I know Akuma is a tough match for Rufus and Gen because of there need to get in close and their lack of a fireball or solid way to get in close (also Akuma's teleport didnt help the situation anymore). I started out with Gen but quickly switched over to Rufus just for the fact that I feel like im better with him. Pretty much I knew i needed to get in his face and combo as much as I could. But for some reason after the first 10 or so matches he started being able to grab me right after a dive kick even if i did hit him with it.

Now offline this never would of happened because the stun from the hit would give me enough time to at least get a fierce punch in there but this wasnt the case. Unless i hit him in the toes with the dive kick he could grab me every time. Even he agreed that it was a stupid fact that he could do that. Long story short we ended up at 17-34 in his favor but some of those losses were from me hitting random just to mix it up a bit. Hope he tapped them but if he didnt I would like to do it again soon so that it just wasnt my shitty playing.

Also i was getting pretty mind fucked with his different types of fireballs....god i hate fireballs.


Private lessons from Justin Wong?

I was surfing the web over at and i noticed that Justin Wong was giving private lessons. At first I was thinking "Why would i do this when i could watch his matches on sites like youtube and get a general idea of what to do in certain situations?" Then i really didnt understand when i read that he was charging for it. $20 for a lesson? Then $10 for repeating customers? No thank you Mr. Wong Ill stick to youtube.

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