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The Journey Through Video Games 5/2/2013

So today in my Journey through video games my main goal was to finish Metal Gear Solid. I really wanted to finish it and talk about the ending and all its twists. So I don't really feel that I should say spoilers of this game from this point on but I guess I will just to in case. Spoilers. There, now you're warned.

Crazy, Crazy story
Crazy, Crazy story

So what I played today is all I will be talking about in depth. And where I played today is from the second sniper fight with Sniper Wolf where she actually dies in this game all the way to the end of the game. So from where I left off fighting all these boss battles in the entire game where super fun. I wouldn't say that they were good boss battles because not many in video games are actually good, but what was great about these were that the characters were very fun...or maybe the better word would be interesting. I mean it was hilarious with Sniper Wolf as she has a real passionate admirer from Otacon who ultimately loves her just because she's a dog person like him and hasn't killed him yet, or like from Vulcan Raven where he gets straight up eaten from his own crows because that's the way he just want to go out. And you see multiple examples like that from all the big bad guys in this game. It's the good guys who are kind of boring. Even the main character, Solid Snake. I know that he probably gets much more interesting later on in other games, but in this one he has really very little emotion or change through out the game. The most he does is discover that he has feelings. Great growth there. But that's really just me trying to find faults in ultimately this really surprisingly awesome game to me.

Almost All of them Are Great Characters
Almost All of them Are Great Characters

Now I know that I glazed over some of the other great characters that I see in the end of the game like Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake, but I wanted to reference them more with the end of the game because I think that is where they really shine. Now once I get to the twist of finding out that I launched the nukes and all I was going crazy because I can usually figure out most twists before they come with all the clues the story gives you, but this is the first one in a long time where you can figure it out if you think hard enough about it, but I didn't and that made it all the more awesome. And with Liquid telling you about yourself being a clone made from Big Boss made this all the more super crazy and great.

But before all that I should play out how the ending goes. First you fight the metal gear after you accidentally activate it with Liquid Snake piloting it and during that fight Gray Fox comes and helps you out and tells you of his past. Now to me this becomes a super bad ass moment where he helps fight the Metal Gear and wounds it pretty bad, but by doing this ending up as just a pile of blood and guts underneath the metal gear's boot. But after that I would finish off the metal gear and would finish the game in a fantastic way. But before that I just have to say that fighting that thing with the stinger missiles and everything was not fun. That was definitely the hardest part of the game. But back to the good stuff. After you destroy metal gear you get knocked out and Liquid Snake ties you up. He then reveals the rest of the plot by telling you how you were both clones of Big Boss and how FoxDie works and how the American government is sneaky and evil and how he is going to finish Big Boss's dream. But after that fight you find out that the American Government is just going to blow up the base you are in within minutes. So the Liquid unties and then he challenges you to a fist fight to the death on top of the metal gear with Meryl, the love interest, and who I think is probably the least interesting person in this game, tied up next to you with another nuclear bomb that will blow up in 3 minutes. So now I am going to fight Liquid Snake on top of this metal gear which is huge in this base that is about to blow up any minute now from bombers from the American Government and I have to beat him in just three minutes or else we will all blow up from another nuclear bomb that Liquid Snake has set just because I guess, AND (I forgot to mention this before) if we all somehow make it out of this alive we will probably die anyways from this FoxDie virus because the government is a bunch of assholes. So ya. At the time I played this today, it felt like the greatest moment in a game that I ever played. Just straight up hilarious amazing at the situation.

Just an Amazing Moment
Just an Amazing Moment

So after this great fight is the escape sequence with Meryl which was wasn't great and Liquids return after he falls off this giant metal gear and is presumed dead. This guy comes back like three times in this game and just won't die. I bet he comes back in future games too. We'll see I guess. But basically he dies at the end for good from the FoxDie virus which doesn't bode well for Solid Snake as he can die now at anytime from it. But that can be whenever which doesn't really make any sense to me because anybody can really die from a heart attack whenever in there lives. What makes this so different? But basically the game ends with Meryl and Snake riding off in the distance. Yay! I beat the game.

But the cool part is after the credits you see Revolver Ocelot talking to somebody about his true intentions throughout his whole game. Which is makes the craziness of his game that much crazier. CRAZINESS!!!!!!

So ya a great game all around and made me super excited for the rest of the series. It actually made me so excited that I had to start the second game right away.

Only Played a Little so Far but Already Amazing
Only Played a Little so Far but Already Amazing

So I had high hopes for this game because I heard that this was a high point in the series with a lot of improvements in the first game and I have to say that I definitely agree. I can see that the gameplay is a lot more fun as it gives you a lot more options of fighting and sneaking around and movement and everything to making it a lot more of an approachable game to play. I have only played the beginning tanker part so far with Solid Snake where you find the aquatic metal gear and all hell breaks loose, but with Ocelots reveal it makes this game already crazy and amazing. I mean Revolver Ocelot has a new arm. And its Liquid Snake's. And somehow Liquid Snake's consciousness is in that arm and shares a body with Ocelot now. I don't know about you, but to me, that makes this game great right from the start.

Can't Wait to See What Else This Game Will Throw At Me
Can't Wait to See What Else This Game Will Throw At Me

So tomorrow my only thing will be to play this game. I will play as much of it as I can to talk about tomorrow because I know that it will be just craziness. I know I should probably play something else to put a little more variety on here, but we'll see. If maybe you wanna see something in particular played or talked about on here then say so in a comment. Let your voice be heard.

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