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Bionic Commando Rearmed is like payback. A huge bitch.

Since my last blog was such a great success ( 2 persons read it, one more than I expected) I decided to continue my work. A few hours ago I saw that BCR was available for only 400 points. I tried the demo, liked it and decided to buy it. So far so good. What the demo did not show me was that this game is pretty hard. Not impossible. Not unfair. Just REALLY challenging. For all the masochistic gamers out there who love to throw their controllers in anger, is this definitely a recommendation. I mean 5 bucks. You can't go wrong. (Make that 40 bucks in case you actually do throw and break your controller).
Next time I tell how easy the "Impossible" difficulty of dead space is, why Pyramid Head should not have been in Silent Hill Homecoming and why Gordon Freeman never talks. See you soon.


There is an option to write a blog?!

There is an option to write a blog?! Really?! And there are people out there who actually read this?! oh well why not, since there's an option to write one. I'm still heavily addicted to the prestige in COD 4. Mercenary Deathmatch to be exact. There's something about this "+10" for a kill that just warms my heart. This is also a message to all the "fine" people who use modded controllers so they can useĀ  their G3 in auto-fire: go to hell, cheaters! Well since that is out of the way there's not much else to say for now. Maybe next time I tell you how much fun it is to blow shit up in Mercenaries 2, how ridiculous the 200 pidgeons achievement is or how disappointed I was by Half-Life 2, yep I said it. The game that got a gazillion awards for Game of the year was a disappointment to me. Maybe Episode 1 and 2 will change my mind.
See you soon (the one dude who reads this)

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