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... gel, splashing in virtual puddles will always be a delight.

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  • This is it. There have been many games over the past decades that have claimed to capture the spirit of the original. It doesn't matter now. From top to bottom, this is the true modern successor to Doom's Legacy. I knew it was going to be special. The only surprise here was how far it exceeded my expectations.

    As the chaos mounts and the forces of hell swarm upon me, I know I can maintain control of the situation. So long as the bullets keep flying, the blood continues to pour and I just. Keep. Moving!

  • Excellent, creative single player with an addictive multiplayer that had me hooked. Damn good!

  • Bleak puzzle platformer. Amazing look and vibe that goes places.

  • Nobody was talking about the Hitman game following up the less than impressive Absolution and it's seemingly cynical Episodic approach.

    Turns out it's the best the series has ever been and splitting into episodes was actually a great move. Consider me surprised!

  • They don't make epic narrative third person shooters like this any more. And I doubt they will again.

  • Delightful little chose-you-own-adventure ARPG-lite. Far more enjoyable than the sum of it's parts.

  • Never been a big fan of multiplayer games, but the sheer charm won me over.

  • A perfect balance of arcade and sim. Captures the joys of driving wonderfully while sending you off to gorgeous locations.

  • Excellent music and rhythmic button pressing! Wub-a-dubba-dubba-that true?

  • Endless Runner that's literally from hell.

    Light gameplay and puzzles tied together by narrative which continuously spirals out of control. (Should have put Super Hot in here, but I'd rather promote this game.)