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That wonderful white paperweight...

In something that has shocked even me, I've started using my PSP a lot more lately. Some games I've found good, some bad and some just too hard.

These are the games that have been occupying my time.

Untold Legends : Brotherhood of the Blade

 It's like Diablo. Just for PSP.
 It's like Diablo. Just for PSP.
I know, I know, I know, I know. It's an old arse game and was a launch title (to my knowledge) but, I've had it sitting there for a long arse time and I thought I would pick it up and actually play it. 
It made me think of one thing *click* *click* *click* *click*. A game which involved killing demons, who dropped loot and gold and attaching gems to weap-. Holy shit call Blizzard (Blizzard-Activision? Or is it Activision-Blizzard. I don't know or care) cause I'm sure they have a case here. Choose your class. Go out there and hack and slash your way through a kinda bland world with some bland enemies.  
On the plus side, it kinda looks good still (considering it's age) and has generic hack-n-slash sounds, clink, clank, monster groan.  
The story is pretty shit though and Makes me feel like there is no point in playing it. 

Patapon 2

I played the first one. It wasn't a bad little RTS/Rhythm bastard child and I played it for a very time.  
The premise was simple, tap some buttons in time with music. That is a a lot harder then it sounds, going from March, to Attack, to Defend is a pain in the arse, especially in Boss battles where is seem Defend does nothing. But in short, I loved the first one. 
The second one I pretty much have to love aswell, but don't. It's the same thing. Their is now a Hero Unit which will do some epic damage to the enemies and some other new unit types but, it just feels more like an expansion pack then a true sequel. All the button combinations are the same (Which I spose is meant to be a good thing for older players) but the problem is, if you've played the first, you can't skip the god damn tutorials. I hate unskippable tutorials with a passion and in a game like this they seem redundant.  
Storywise it isn't all that strong either with you just trying to get the Patapon to bend over and dominate everyone who isn't them.  
it's the first one with the added feature of new units. You haven't missed much if you didn't pick this one up, but if you haven't played the first then maybe pick this one up and scratch out the 2 on the box. You wouldn't know the difference. 

Cave Story (Homebrew)

 Mmm.... Plain.
 Mmm.... Plain.
I know this is a PC game. I know it is. I know its an awesome PC game. So I'll keep it short and sweet. 
It's Cave Story. I can play it on a bus. It's the bullshit sickness. 

Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do To Deserve This?  

 Hardest. Game. Ever  
 Hardest. Game. Ever  
This game is impossibly hard and kicks you in the balls. 
I was after a nice quirky little Japanese title and came across this. I wish I hadn't found it, I don't know if I suck at it or if its unbeatable but the third stage just knocks me on my arse. It pokes fun at the JRPG market which makes me laugh (they're all the same game you fuckwits and haven't evolved in 20 years), but thats about all the enjoyment I get out of it.  
I sit there and voluntarily do the tutorials and it doesn't make a lick of difference. Wikipedia says it's a pain in the arse so, that makes me feel a little better. But anywho, it has an eight bitty feel to it which suits the game I think and is very pretty. The sounds I don't really care about cause the majority of the time I play with the game on mute. It's hard enough without concentrating on sounds. 
The sweetest thing about this game it the god damn name. 
I've played a few other games aswell and am about to try out  my first PixelJunk game and have high hopes. 
Also, anyone know any good 2D platformers for a PSP without resorting to Emulation or Mega Man Powered Up or Maverick Hunter X?