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Gaming, developers and communities. A rant.

Warning: This is a very long rant concerning gaming, developers and communities.
Satisfaction is not promised!

Here I am.
Sighing and moaning behind my desk and before you trip on your tongue my hands are not in my panties.
I'm just terribly sick and tired of the game industry, the developers, the media and the forums. 
You guys all disgust me, everyday again.
If it isn't a 'discussion' about how much someone sucks for not liking a game or something a developer said to another that now warrants a fucking essay from his side as a way of saying sorry its probably another franchise being gutted or destroyed because someone found something faulty with it.
Seriously, can you all just shut the fuck up for a moment?
I bought Borderlands, blind, because I trusted in the developers and the experience they wanted to sell me, hell I even bought all their DLC when it came out which I never do (and I only regret Moxi's arena, the Knox DLC is the best piece of DLC ever), and I loved the shit out of it.
But oh no, whines aplenty! The controls were off, the loot was crap, lack of story, Diablo did it better, it was a rip off from "insert whatever".
Now I'm perfectly able to nod and agree with some of those things but for fuck's sake people, it did what it had too and after a while a lot of people said: "Hey this game is pretty good and fun" and it popped up on more and more lists.
Darksiders 1 is yet another example of how hated it was at launch but how loved it later became.
People, you are making fools of yourself and the industry, all we gamers ever do is complain and complain.
We put faith in reviewers to bring us honest and interesting reviews but fuck it...I haven't read a review in months, years probably, because I can never agree with what is being told.
All I hear is "I think that..." or "This game derives from..." or even "This game is only 16 hours long."
First off, fuck what YOU think.
By all means please have your own style as a reviewer, a preference and a favorite genre, but come on be a bit more interesting about it.
I'm fine with their side of the story but just because YOU think the story is bad, doesn't mean it is a fact.
Just because you spend more time on the PC  than a console it's not automatically a fact that the controls are demanding.
Second off, fuck that deriving nonsense.
I'm way too pissed about Darksiders 2, how everyone is calling it stolen, ripped off or 'cleverly borrowed'.
Sure, it has a formula, but it's doing something good with it, no?
How come we attack and spit on a GOOD game for being similar to another game within its GENRE while every 2 and a half days a new FPS shooters comes out and we're all just like "Meh, shooter.".
Go destroy cheap cash ins, movie tie ins that suck (most of em) or crack down on that freaking indie nonsense that gets praised to heaven.
But oh no, call the rage police, a good game is actually good!
Seriously, stop bashing a game like Darksiders 2 for its genre and stop being dicks about The Darkness 2's length.
Because no matter how the fuck you put it, the action adventure genre is kind of empty and The Darkness 2 still beats out most FPS games in terms of story if not in length.
I kind of addressed the third issue in the previous bit as well but I feel like I need to say a bit more.
Its not about length (I know, I know) but it how you spend that length with the game.
Sure, I'll say it first: There's a difference in price/time when it comes to these things.
Indie games are often cheap, offer cheap thrills as well and aren't that long.
Very fucking short, more often than not.
But that's fine, spending a fiver and having some good easy fun is wonderful. 
What isn't wonderful is seeing franchises going down the drain while shameless yearly installments keep popping up.
Now note, and freaking note you shall, this is my opinion on the matter so THIS IS NOT A FACT.
I hate having to post that but come on, half the readers on the internet are pretty fucking dumb (please, by all means, attack me for that statement, it's pretty funny how everyone tells you the internet is full of morons but you're not really allowed to say it.) so I have to spell it out, no?
Ok so.
I loved Assassin's Creed 1, I liked Assassin's Creed 2 but everything that came after....please stop kidding yourselves it was pretty lackluster.
Sure, the game worked, the gameplay was wonderful, there was lots to do and the story has a lot of cool moments but I couldn't help but see the franchise being milked.
Ezio is a asshole, I don't like him, and my understanding was we'd be playing one character per installment which is pretty cool because you'd see a new personality every game and you'd have vast improvements or changes to the setting and combat.
Remember finding those statues? All those different assassin's? Don't tell me you didn't look at the girl assassin and got your hopes up, or some of the other pretty inspiring characters.
I loved the whole going back in time due to DNA and the overarching story but soon enough it became little more than the Ezio chronicle, taking over the entire series purpose.
Now granted, Ezio was alright as a character and probably the perfect lead character for the franchise to get some facetime but I really want to see more on their promise.
Looking at footage from AC3 I was pretty impressed, it looked great, the locale fresh and Connor seems to be pretty bad ass with his own set of weapons/moves.
But then I spotted it.
The same animations, the same attack patterns and the ever classic "You're surrounded by 10 dudes but they'll all patiently wait until you feel like stabbing or countering them".
Aaaaaaand my enthusiasm was gone.
Sure, I'll pick it up for 20 out of the bargain bin but despite the 'fresh' aspects it looks to be little more than a setting change.
I hope I'm wrong, but I hope the game also flops hard (it won't, of course it won't) just to show that "hey, effort please?".
I know, I'm sounding quite angry, unfair even, but it's a rant for a reason.
Feel free to discuss or nitpick in the comments.
But, moving on.
I've had this feeling a long time, ever since I saw my favorite games disappear and pure fun being shoved aside for multiplayer in every game, DLC and the removal of other 'old' things like local co op.
Don't tell me its unneeded, that it had its time because hey, SSX.
People tripped (and still are) the fuck out when that didn't have a free ride mode or local co op.
Its still a thing that lives with players and it's just terrible consumer <> developer contact.
Its also sad that there's a fangroup out there, praying and fighting for the return of a game and are pretty vocal about it (and what they want/aim for) or even that there's so many stories telling what aspects made the game for them (Yo, remember SSX3 going down the mountain? Awesome!) and the developer just cuts it.
Sorry, but, that's not good business, that's being downright silly and unrespectful to your customers.
In SSX's case the free riding, the stress free playing and insane tricks, made the game so loved and good.
Sure you can change a few things for a new formula, take the game to a new level but you can't just say "lets cut this loved aspect!".
Same goes for taking a singleplayer game and adding multiplayer.
In Mass Effect 3's case I'm willing to say it paid off, sure it's not perfect and the unlock system is pure bullshit but once you got the chance to play as your favorite race (Krogan!) you walk away pretty satisfied at the mode.
Often, however, this isn't the case and you're left wondering why they wanted to spend extra time and resources on it.
Now, let's leave games for a bit and go to forums/communities.
I'm burned out on all of them.
Sick, disgusted, mentally washed up and just downright done.
I'm not expecting every forum or community to be great but more and more there are people bending the rules, thriving on grieving others or in some games its even considered to be cool to disrupt other's fun.
PVP for that matter is awesome, if you're playing on a pvp realm or entered a pvp zone, beat it or eat it!
But ganking of lower levels combined with power fluxes from expansions or the 'trolling' of a group because you have nothing better to do is the worst for me.
I'm sick of that, sick of people.
I used to be a fan of online playing but after being harassed and stalked in online games I threw out my microphone and I rarely play together with people I don't know from real life.
I have retreated to playing solo a lot of the times and my opponents are usually bots.
Sure, that's a choice I made myself but it's disgusting how these communities are.
Even people who have never touched a game like League of Legends or World of Warcraft know the reputation of their random matches.
Blizzard and Riot and other companies are working on the rules and actively preventing cheaters/grievers to hurt players too much but it still happens because the simple fact is people are fucking idiots.
They cannot be trusted to play nice so the developer puts all sorts of crazy things into place to prevent issues.
But that fails as well, not being able to vote kick people from your group because of some bug (This player can't be kicked for another 6 hours! What? Why? Wtf!) or in some cases the system flips the fuck out and somehow blames you when a tank spawns on top of three of your teammates and you find yourself booted.
Think of it as DRM issues, the honest p(l)ayer is being blamed and punished by the bad behavior of others.
Last point, forums.
Come on!
Go read the 'blue responses' on Blizzard's forums, especially the Q and A's.
What do you see? You see hostile questions all the fucking time and developers/GM's trying their best to make their intentions known.
But that usually gets followed up with "Ah, so you don't want this or this to happen! Is that what you're saying?" which drags the discussion on and on and on.
Sure, Blizzard's not perfect and some decisions have been shaky and pretty major for people who barely even participate in the higher levels of the game but there's a sick influx of questions regarding "I WANT TO BE SPECIAL" or "OTHER PLAYERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO SOMETHING I ONCE DID BUT NOW EASIER".
Its all 100% whining, its grieving and its immensely condescending for other players to read.
To each their own and really, if you worked hard for something you should be able to show it off but eventually a lot more people are going to get where you are and have that same reward, especially when the difficulty drops or changes are made.
There is no consistency in a online world, deal with it!
Also, it's unfair call out to be praised or rewarded in a game that largely doesn't rely on skill but several other factors such as gear or a good guild that helps you get it and works together well enough to actually clear the higher tiers in a game.
You can't tell me you're a bad ass because you have the best gear available in the game, that only tells me you spend lots of time with a group of others fighting and sweating for that.
You deserved it, no doubt, but it doesn't make you better than anyone else (at least, besides the stats of course!) and it most certainly does not give you the privilege to be a asshole or expect people to respect you.
I've met people in online games that were considered amazing, their gear was great and since they had the gear they probably had the skill to raid that high right?
Sure, but they showed a total disregard for group or boss battle mechanics, were dicks to new or learning players or ended up going batshit and wiping a group just because something didn't go the way they like and that tells me their gear is worth nothing.
But that said, I've also met people who were insanely geared and skilled, that made running dungeons or such a cakewalk because they played with dedication and group spirit, offering advice or filling holes left by new/learning players.
So, very long rant!
If you read all of it I hope it was at least a little insightful or even entertaining because I wrote this with no real purpose.
Was pretty fucking mad at the state of gaming, the inability to enjoy videogames but except the constant bickering over miniscule things that mayhaps be very deciding on a personal level but have no place at all in reviews or discussions regarding a game's worth.
Go enjoy indie games if you want, play another Call of Duty and I'll be right here enjoying my often odd one out games.
To each their own! Accept and love that! Everyone is different and everyone has their own opinion on EVERYTHING!
But please, everyone, support your developers and fight for your games! Do not let big companies ruin your beloved franchises and stop accepting all the crap being shoveled into your mouths.
Stop buying map packs that consist of 2 older remade ones and one new, stop buying character skins that should have been in the game at launch and for god's sake...
Stop being so fucking hostile.





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@ProfessorK: Slow clap right back at ya! Its terrifying to see the gaming community hurt itself like this.
Hey movie consumers can be quite evil too, woe to people who have not seen or disliked any of the classic films but gaming is a medium that's played everyday, worldwide, and gets a lot of new fans every time someone touches a game like Warcraft, League of Legends or even Portal.
It doesn't help then, when you are new and not at all used to WASD for example to be eaten ALIVE by your fellow gamers.
Its hard to remedy this from a business side however, which is what makes me so sick of the people because THEY are the problem, not the game itself often, but the people just can't be trusted to behave normal.
And that's fine to an extent, real life is just that and not a utopia but come on, this amount of madness? Its making me feel ashamed for my hobby for the first time in years.
And with that I mean its fun when you are a gamer (hobby) and you can relate/share/play/talk/whatever with fellow gamers (community) but when that community is known to bite your fingers off the moment you stretch them...that shuts off a whole aspect of the hobby!
@Icemo: I know the feeling! Giantbomb is great and I've met and interacted with a lot of cool people that have inspired me insanely!
I've been thinking of trying such topics, I might make the plunge someday but I'll just straight up admit I'm not up for that right now.
That, and I have a backlog that haunts me.
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Edited By pyromagnestir

@TaliciaDragonsong said:

You guys all disgust me, everyday again.

Unfortunately that's about as far as I can make it right now, but I have to ask

The fuck did I do? I guess I'll find out later.

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Edited By Ravenlight


Based on your preference to omit the serial comma, I'm inclined to view you as my nemesis.

For now, I'll retreat to my hidden lair and read the rest of your yelly paragraphs.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

@TaliciaDragonsong said:

I'm not sure how females of your moon species do it but we earth girls do not jerk it off when masturbating.

I thought jerking off and masturbation referred to the same activity. (And while we're on this subject, let me say that you probably don't want to know how the Lunarian reproductive system works.)

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Edited By ProfessorK

@TaliciaDragonsong: I'll tellyou what would keep people in line; if you took away the anonymity of forums and xbl/psn. People tend to straiten out real quick if there's something at risk. Ban IPs and completely restrict gamertags and you'd see a different side of people. But, therein lies the problem, because then you take away freedom and also give rise to false claims and whatnot. The whole system is a mess and I don't know if humans can ever truly accept the responsibility that comes with anonymity.. We are all different and while some are able to shirk off a nasty comment, there are and will always be those that can't.

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Edited By Aetheldod

@TaliciaDragonsong: You are going to hate me , but I tought the group combat of Assasins Creed games is the funnest part of the games ... stealth bollocks , I just went around kitting guards only to take them out :P

Edit: Just want to add about people whinning about games , they have completely destroyed Star Wars the Old Republic , I mean people have shitted on that game relentlessly as if it mere existence was a sin towards the holiest of the holy , whatit did wrong? As far as I know it has been one of the smoothest MMO releases but that wasnt enough , some say because Wow already did it , well guess what not all of us played WoW.... well you get the idea , I think. Now some games DO need criticism , case in point ME3 and its ending , I mean Bioware was called out because we know they can make good/satisfactory endings , even on the same franchise and what they went for just didnt cut it (more and more I think it was EA pressure to realese the game that I think affected the ending) , or come on that final boss in Borderlands is just ...ugh a shame.

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Edited By buwchbach

After taking a year long hiatus from giving a shit about games, I came back and this is almost exactly how I felt. *agreement*

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Edited By MikkaQ

This rant seems to exaggerate all the issues at hand, I honestly don't think it's all that bad. Maybe I don't spend that much time around gaming communities (doubtful since I practically live here on Giantbomb), but it just doesn't seem like a big issue. People are always going to be hostile on a public forum, especially about things they know other people like. They love getting into people's skin, that's for sure. But that's the nature of a public forum, you just have to pick and choose the conversations you have within a given thread and try not to let the whining of a loud minority give you the wrong idea about the kind of people that play these games. Especially don't let them get you down about games because they're such a small portion of the community at large that they just don't matter. Otherwise developers would have bent to their will years ago, but clearly these types don't affect sales as much as they'd like to.

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Edited By LikeaSsur

I can't think of anything to say because it's all been said, but I agree with your Assassin's Creed paragraph. I hate how it's essentially turned into EA's Call of Duty. I don't want yearly sequels, it doesn't give anybody nearly enough time to make a new game, just a $60 expansion pack. Also, yeah, whatever happened to "This is a trilogy!" that was said when AC1 came out? We're entering trilogy x3 territory by now, and I'll bet money that Connor appears in at least 1 more game.

Who am I kidding? He'll be the star of 4 games total. And then Assassin's Creed IV will come out in 2016 and finally conclude the series, and we'll finally be able to play as Desmond (you know, the main character of the series? At least he was, now it's Ezio).

I see you also frequent or have frequented Blizzard's General Discussion boards. It's a spicy cesspool, isn't it? Reading any topic there, you'd think WoW or Diablo III was the worst game ever made, yet everyone on the forum is playing it. It's because of that forum and many of the GameFAQ boards that I, too, play solo in every game. Borderlands, Gears of War, Diablo III, WoW, Dead Island, pretty much every game that screams co-op I play by myself, or with, like you said, people I know in real life, which limits it to 2 or 3 people. I just don't feel like being berated, threatened, insulted, and hated just because I did poorly. Heck, even if I do well, I feel like someone on that player list is hating me for it. There's no honor among gamers anymore.

Finally, The Darkness II is a rip off of Call of Duty: Big Red One. Didn't you know that?

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Edited By YI_Orange

@TaliciaDragonsong: I'm right there with ya on communities. I've been a part of WoW, LoL, WC 3(dota, holy shit dota), SC 1, and SC 2, though this is the only forum I've ever really been a part of. Instead of getting desensitized to all the bullshit, I find myself getting more pissed off at, everywhere. Now, not to say I'm perfect, if I'm playing a multiplayer game I'd prefer someone learns how to play to some degree before jumping in with random people, but I'd respond more in the vein of "well, kinda sucked that that guy was new" as opposed to "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING MOTHERFUCKER GO FUCKING JUMP OFF A FUCKING BRIDGE YOU FUCKING GRASHGIHNUGNHGNDFIN...."

This translates to all aspects of the communities for me. Just recently when people were all up in arms about the Polygon documentary, it was pathetic. I don't want to get into specifics here, but just as a general statement, get the fuck over it people, god damn. I don't care if people don't like something, I don't care if they express their opinion for not liking something, but everyone has to be such a massive asshole about EVERYTHING I find myself responding(admittedly not in the best manner) sometimes, with the sad hope that maybe, just MAYBE one person will look at it and go, "yeah, I am an asshole, I should stop that".

Funny part is, I've never considered leaving. In all of those communities I've met some genuinely cool people, people I still interact with and have known ranging from 3-10 years. I stay because there's people out there worth meeting and playing games with. I understand your reasons, but I think you're doing yourself a disservice by alienating yourself from multiplayer communities. You're exposing yourself only to the bad parts, and ignoring all the little pockets that remind you why the internet and gaming communities are awesome.

Well, kinda lost everything else I was gonna say, always happens when I start off a post pretty annoyed.

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Edited By Tennmuerti


Oh but you did write this blog with a purpose, it's a great way to vent your anger and frustrations. Well great if it brings about the positive result anyway. Feeling better? ^.^

(if not that's bad, that way leads depression, having been there it's not a fun place)

On a more serious note. As far as being frustrated at things. I kinda already went through this disgust phase in online communities. With WoW and Blizzard too no less, to which in some ways i'm thankfull more on that later. Sometimes you just have to draw a line on some part of the internet for yourself, for some it's 4chan, for others it's Youtube comments, blizzard forums, etc, or go extreme and most forums. Revisiting Blizzard forums when D3 came out made me realise I made the correct choice at leaving that cesspool behind.

As to why i'm thankfull. It made it easier to put some distance between myself and communities i'm involved in, forum talk etc. Take things less to heart and whenever i feel myself start getting too deep, take a step back, but not too much just a bit.

Not really going to address any of your other complaints, because from what I see I don't believe that's what they are there for. So people nitpicking at a good old rant post just makes me shake my head a bit.

So chin up, try the stupidity and asshole'ism not get to you too much, if it does burn bridges with glee in your eye.


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Edited By Ravenlight

Okay. I'm back after having read the entirety of your rant-o-saurus and the available comments.

While I don't necessarily agree with a few of the points you touched on, I think it's important to periodically call out our (as participants in the gaming community) collective bullshit. The "everything either sucks completely or is the best thing ever" hyperbolic mentality is antithetical to constructive, interesting discourse.

However, as long as the internet exists as it does, I don't think the way people act when posting on said internet is going to change. I think all one can do is find the pockets of people who aren't complete toolboxes and hang out with them. This is a big part of the reason why the only gaming site I post on is this one. Even just glancing at the thread titles on the Blizzard forums is enough to send me into a spiral of depressed anger, and I can guess that a recent trip to was the impetus for the angry rant. Gazing into the abyss, etc. huh?

Hopefully you continue the trend of making posts like this (long, thoughtful ones, not angry ones), because I think they're pretty neat. Also, working references to underwear into each one would be fun, too.


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Edited By Joeyoe31

Ignoring the Internet when it has something bad to say is something I regularly do. Every game deserves judgement from me and me alone. People can criticize anything but if I like something, I'm not gonna stop liking it because of what someone else says.

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That was actually a good read and not super angry and frustrating. I agree with most of your points. It just seems you're at the point everyone reaches eventually of fuck everyone on the internet. On the other hand though their are still some good communities out there not full of idiots and trolls.

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@ProfessorK: I'm inclined to agree, but it would ruin some games, a quick casual round with half effort would forever be (possibly) associated with your name.
And I just don't trust our species with that kind of control :P

@Aetheldod: I know the SWTOR problem! I'm a big fan of the game and my only complaint is there is/was no endgame!
Otherwise it was just people shitting on it as they did on Warhammer Online, Lord of the Rings (<3) and other MMO's that tried.
And hey the AC combat is fun, but to say its innovative is plain wrong, at least in Batman Arkham I still got murdered at times by the very aggressive enemies.
@buwchbach: Thanks! Good to hear!
@MikkaQ: That's true, but do note I am not here to be a guiding light or announce the end of gaming, I just ranted.
Felt like I have too and to be honest its a good experience, I'm not very interested in reading or doing rants so this is good learning.
It does hurt however to see so much hostility in this industry and to each their own and opinions and such but its a freaking fact some game's have communities you don't want to be found dead in (and the same could be said for a few forums/messageboards).
Its nothing major but its terrible to see almos flourish and survive for years.
@LikeaSsur: Yeah that, but I'm just so interested in their take on all these settings and places in history that it got kind of boring to see Ezio do more and more meaningless stuff.
Sure, it added and it was fun but it was fleshing out a character that didn't need it (in my opinion), he was way too careless and flamboyant of an assassin for me, liked Altiar way better.
Yep, exactly. 
Everyone hates the game and goes out of their way to make essays about how bad it is yet its still being played.
I get that people get passionate (look at me!) but the way they just explode with anger is terrifying.
There's been horrible topics I'm sure you've seen around that just make me wonder why those boards aren't policed 24/7 for a month, just to scare those trolls off (not the ingame ones, I love em!).
I think in some cases the incentive of winning (going up in rank, getting points to unlock stuff or to progress your character) paired with the often 20-30 minutes per round/match/battleground kind of up the stakes and since MMO's (and stuff like LoL as well) are basically timesinks its logical to assume no one wants their time wasted
Doesn't mean they have to be such dicks about it though, for sure.
You're totally right on lashing out at times however, it might not be the best way often but come on, standing by is worse (sometimes, its a slippery slope) and you might just make someone realize its not always fun and games.
Like how often a first post in a topic is pretty offensive/comedic/trolling/whatever but as soon as the OP or another user calls that first post out it often warrants a second reply from the first poster that goes like: "Yeah, sorry, joke, haha, I agree with the topic".
People get scared when called out!
You're right and I said it one of my replies here that I will get back into it at some point but right now I don't feel up for it.
Got enough to play and nothing too multiplayery that I'm comfortable sharing control with (I hate people running ahead in Borderlands, Diablo, etc) so perhaps when Timesplitters 4 finally hits I'll be online! :P
Thanks for responding nonetheless, even if you lost half of your message while writing! :P
I do feel better now! Its the angry version of crying I guess! :P
Positive post beyond that, I appreciate it! And you're right on creating distance, I did the same with WoW and such.
But its a shame, I'm essentially being limited because people can't play nice.
That's why I'm glad I found Giantbomb however, I've been able to discuss old games, new games and even personal stuff on the boards and I never once felt scared I would be chewed out or whatever, but I guess even GB is small compared to some official game forums!
Oh and I just can't wait to be queen (of the game industry!).
@Ravenlight: Thanks for taking the time! It really adds to our discussion value!
I disagree though, sure its good to retreat and hang out with worthy people but I hate just standing by and doing nothing!
So this writing is my way of saying: Hey, listen! to the droves of asshats almost controlling the image of a game's community.
We can't change it all of a sudden but we can be vocal about not agreeing with those clowns so that anyone who reads it can see that gaming is not just for the mentally impaired (no offense to those people, but its the only way I feel I can describe the amount of herp derp and trolling on some kind of forums) who have issues with playing nice but that its a respected hobby and that they're people out there who do genuinely want to have fun!
I'll admit it wasn't Bizzard's forum but a comment on a random videogame news site, and I don't even remember what! Ha!
I just 'exploded' and started typing! ^^
@Joeyoe31: Right on, exactly what I'm preaching! Never forget that attitude since gaming is yours and yours alone when it comes to those decisions!
But yeah, its not always easy to close your eyes and move on when it keeps happening all around you or on your favorite games (like online ones where the quality of groups keep getting lower and lower and the influx of trolls higher and higher.).
@Irvandus: My 'bullshit' shield was depleted and went down, so I had to lash out for a bit! :P
You're not wrong however, Giantbomb is the only community I would even dream of posting a topic like this, knowing I will get something out of it besides angry responses!
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Edited By Jimbo

Feel better now?

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@Jimbo: Very much, thanks!
*Goes back to bashing zombies in Dead Island with a smile*
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Edited By morningstar

Now, that's a lot of fucks.

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@Morningstar: You should have a field day with this then.
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Edited By warxsnake

As a developer 

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@warxsnake: As a writer:
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Edited By clumsyninja1

Someone forgot to get their meds...

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Edited By GunslingerPanda

@TaliciaDragonsong: That was inspiring!

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@clumsyninja1: If by meds you mean my daily cup of noodles then yes.
@GunslingerPanda: Thank you! And you're welcome!
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Edited By MariachiMacabre

The rage in the community the last few months has been really off-putting and I'm glad someone called people out for it. Well done.

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Edited By Aetheldod

@TaliciaDragonsong: Yo Tali just one last thing ....... <3 :D

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Edited By morkaithewolf

Yay well developed rants! Yay emotions that can be pinpointed! Good for you and having your opinions that are strong enough not to be swayed. I firmly believe the industry in a bit of a growth spurt type of stage. The industry is now seeing more and more people accepting of games so they have to try and cater to the masses but are now leaving most of the loyal fans wanting more of what they've come to love about the industry: fresh ideas and fresh stories. Hopefully over the next few years with more people aware of how to support their favorite companies we'll see another shift back to stories and less about sequels that add nothing.

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Edited By TheSouthernDandy

Totally with you on being burnt out on communities surrounding games. Maybe for me it's a little broader, the internet in general. After just constant non stop cynicism, man. Wears you down. If it's not complaining or demanding something they think they're entitled to (and I'm separating this from what a customer reasonably should expect and should fight for) it's sarcastic snide dismissive 'look how much I don't care' attitudes that just...ugh. Even occasionally the Bombsquad can head in that territory, though guys like that who've been doing it as long as they have, I can understand it a bit more.

That's why I love dudes like Brad Muir. Almost relentless positivity. You don't have to be some crazy 'everything is good all the time!' type person but enjoy this stupid hobby! That's what it is, a hobby, for 90% of us involved, it will never be more then that.

I did enjoy AC: Brotherhood though. That game was great. I like Ezio a lot as a character.

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Edited By Ravenlight

@TheSouthernDandy said:

That's why I love dudes like Brad Muir. Almost relentless positivity. You don't have to be some crazy 'everything is good all the time!' type person but enjoy this stupid hobby! That's what it is, a hobby, for 90% of us involved, it will never be more then that.

I would pay any amount of money for a video game that let me play as Brad Muir.

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Edited By TheSouthernDandy

@Ravenlight said:

@TheSouthernDandy said:

That's why I love dudes like Brad Muir. Almost relentless positivity. You don't have to be some crazy 'everything is good all the time!' type person but enjoy this stupid hobby! That's what it is, a hobby, for 90% of us involved, it will never be more then that.

I would pay any amount of money for a video game that let me play as Brad Muir.

Oh man. That would be the best. You'd shoot pure sunshine out of your beard.

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@MariachiMacabre: Thanks!
@Aetheldod: :O !
@MorkaiTheWolf: Oh the stories are great however, but I feel companies rarely want to deliver a epic for the ages even with games that can easily offer it (AC for example!).
Hope we see more fun and less cutting of features!
@TheSouthernDandy: Yeah fatigue is a big part of it, I love writing but writing reviews, being totally immersed in interviews and reveals and the internet all day? No thanks! I won't manage! 
Big props to the people who do, like Brad Muir as you said, but I'm happy here!
I just feel like people need to take a step back and think about what they're saying but that's asking a lot at times.
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Edited By pyromagnestir

Well, I made it through finally. Although afterwards I felt my brain was about to erupt and my eyes were going to burst, but that's no fault of the text. I'm just extra sensitive to the damn computer screen today, for whatever reason.

You go ahead and fight for the original Assassin's Creed, and I'll fight for AC2 and Brotherhood. The original was perhaps more interesting than either of those games, in the way that an experiment that fails can be more interesting than one where everything goes according to plan, but I had way more fun playing 2 and Bro-hood. I will gladly support developers who have that desire to experiment, rather than always play things safe and look to trends and markets to inspire design. I just can't always support them with my wallet, as I only have so much money and some of those experiments just aren't for me.

Normally I'm loath to tell someone what they should or shouldn't do, but I don't believe you should let communities and forums get to you so much. That stuff is just so easy to ignore.

However online gamers who disrupt your fun for their own idiotic thrills, or just because they don't know any better, is a whole other matter. I've never played online games without people I know well, and wish to play with entirely because I don't want to risk running into any of those kinds of people. I've missed out on a lot of potentially fun games as a result. It bugs me a bit, but it's a choice I made and have stuck to through the years.

I stopped caring about reviews once uick looks came along. Unless the reviewer was entertaining, in which case it really doesn't matter what game is being reviewed or what they think of it.

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@pyromagnestir: Hey, not saying AC2 or Brohood was bad but I felt robbed of a promise.
AC1 promised a trip through time, a conflict viewed from so many viewpoints throughout history in all parts of the world and instead we got Ezio's playboy chronicles.
Games were fun but not what I expected/hoped from them when the franchise began.
Its not as easy as people saying hey stop visiting forums.
If I went to the mall and got harrassed there time after time again should I stop doing groceries and starve? Just not visit that mall again?
I know, loose example but still, I will take distance but I'm not going to just run away and point fingers from a distance (although you could argue I am doing that now but hey).
What I said about reviews is mostly meant as reviewers can do lots of damage to a game's name and often even kill interest.
I know someone who has zero interest in Zelda, hates the fucking formula and goes mental at the mention, so he never tried Darksiders 1.
I had to urge him for months until he got it for a fiver and played it.
Sold, it was his game of the year, and now he's happily playing Darksiders 2.
Not everyone has it in their heads to only trust their own judgements, not even I always hold true to that! I probably missed out on a lot of good movies because I can't stand certain actors/actresses.
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i should have stopped reading at, "...your tongue my hands are not in my panties."

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@BraveToaster: Wow! That's awesome! Thanks!   
Good to know my anger can still get me things! Haha!
@Sin4profit: Hey whatever works for you.;)
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Edited By McGhee

My favorite type of complaining is when someone complains about complainers.

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Edited By pyromagnestir

@TaliciaDragonsong: You don't necessarily have to avoid forums and community sites altogether, at least not if you can train yourself to not let the stuff people say there affect you.

I believe that anger and annoyance are more powerful motivators than happiness and contentment on the internet (well... porn notwithstanding.) and thus anything people say there is just them shouting ineffectually because they feel annoyed and don't know what else to do. So what they say doesn't get to me (usually, there are days where I'm primed to take some inane comment and let it affect me more than it should).

But maybe I'm just crazy or something because I'm not sure what I just wrote makes any sense. It might just be the ramblings of a crazy person. Maybe that's why these things don't bother me, usually.

I would like it if the AC games were more of a round the world battle through history, as well. But the first continuing adventures of Ezio game was really good, so I won't fault them for giving me a really good game to play. That said I haven't played Revelations yet, partly because of Assassin's fatigue, partly because I only played Brohood last September, and partly because the bombcrew made it sound inconsequential story wise.

and hey, look at that in my previous comment I said uick look. Damn. I'm pretty sure a q was in there at some point, I wonder where it went? God damn disappearing q's!

Oh and speaking of actresses I believe you don't like, I just got to the part where Felicia Day is in Buffy. She's one of the potentials. One of only 3 with any discernible personality at this point (if you want to include lesbian girl, who's only notable personality trait is she's very much a lesbian, as having a personality), She's very much Felicia Day'y, perhaps not as nerd girly, but just as awkward and jumpy as one would expect.

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@pyromagnestir: Believe me, its just a rant and nothing more, I've been around.
I'm not actively scouring the internet for places to engage in hostile conversations, they just tend to be more and more common and today I turned that anger and disappointment into a rant.
AC's fine as a game but after AC2 I was already done with the setting and formula, which might be largely a personal issue, and I was ready to explore more of the overarching story, like Desmond and the other assassins because right now it sounds like Ezio did all the work.
It'll be cool though if AC keeps appearing and we get a new firm face every few installments but I really hope AC3 can shake things up because no matter how cool it looks it still looks to play exactly like AC2 but in a new setting.
Yeah don't like her, but whatever, I grew past that.
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Edited By Pezen

@TaliciaDragonsong said:

Its not as easy as people saying hey stop visiting forums.

Sure it is. I think there's a misconception today that the internet and the places you visit are places you have to continue using because you're used to them. As people lately have begun whining about "internet bullying" and other sort of crap. It's so easy to block and avoid people on the internet, it's silly easy. And yet people can't seem to even understand how to do that, instead they cry foul. If this or any community rubbed me the wrong way to the point of anger, I would quit and find somewhere else to my liking and never look back. Maybe I'm reading the wrong thing into your words, but really, one can just stop visiting a forum. Also, that mall comparison, just get your groceries elsewhere.

@TaliciaDragonsong said:

What I said about reviews is mostly meant as reviewers can do lots of damage to a game's name and often even kill interest. I know someone who has zero interest in Zelda, hates the fucking formula and goes mental at the mention, so he never tried Darksiders 1. I had to urge him for months until he got it for a fiver and played it. Sold, it was his game of the year, and now he's happily playing Darksiders 2. Not everyone has it in their heads to only trust their own judgements, not even I always hold true to that! I probably missed out on a lot of good movies because I can't stand certain actors/actresses.

But it's not a reviewer's place to do PR for the game. Their job is to, to the best of their abilities, describe the game in a way that the reader get what they're going for and describe how they feel about the qualities (or lack thereof) of said game. They're doing consumer guidance first. And just because your friend harbors a rabid disliking of a game (style) used to describe game (and considering almost everyone I've heard talk Darksiders use the Zelda example, it has to have some merit) doesn't mean it's not a fitting example. Sure, he might have needed a second opinion to jump on the band wagon, but you can't put blame on the reviewer for what is essentially a subjective preference. You can list a bunch of things that can all be true, but that doesn't mean everyone will find the sum of those statements to equal the same thing.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

@Pezen said:

It's so easy to block and avoid people on the internet, it's silly easy. And yet people can't seem to even understand how to do that, instead they cry foul.

There's a psychological term for this, where somebody in a bad situation won't see even the most obvious form of escape. I don't remember the name, though. If it helps, one of the experiments that established this involved taking a dog that had been treated like crap its entire life and putting it in an enclosure with a part of the fence it could jump over. (These dogs never did, even though dogs with decent lives would do so easily.) Yes, incredibly dark, but it's the only example I can think of.

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Edited By Pezen

@Video_Game_King: There is probably some truth to that. But I also think we're just too narcissistic online. We're want to know what people possibly write about us because not knowing could mean anything and we need to be able to defend our pride and our storyline (who we perceive we are and what value that holds externally) instead of just simply saying; "This isn't worth my time." It's a circle that fulfills it's own prophecy. But I suppose that's one of those things you learn after a long time online to deal with one way or the other. Or, at the very least, one should learn to handle and respond to it as opposed to react.

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@Pezen: That's you assuming things.
Do I want to leave the 'friends' and contacts I made behind? Do I want to stop discussing my favorite games or read topics about them just to avoid other's nonsense? That's silly.
You want me to, taking the mall example, take a detour of almost sixty minutes just to get my groceries and not fear of being assaulted.
I'm not saying "omg people are being naughty my virgin eyes can't take this" but I'm saying "hey, can we chill the fuck out a little bit, please?".
I'm the first one to click away topics I don't like or disagree with (unless there's a chance my disagreement formulated into a reply wlll be appreciated or add to the discussion but I'm talking 'troll' topics here) and I always try to encourage people to not respond or comment if you hate something so much.
I'm just not going to walk away from my favorite hangouts, real or digital, because some people are being asses but I sure as hell will use my right of speech to voice my opinion about it.
As for the second bit.
The thing I meant with that was everyone and their mothers describe the game as Zelda in its formula, and yes that holds true in dungeon and item collecting, so much that it got way too universal.
As said earlier in this topic there are other games that have also a Zelda like formula and there's barely a soul that even dares to compare it with Zelda because its somehow different?
I dunno, Darksiders felt pretty fresh to me, even if its somewhat like Zelda, and not once did I get a feeling like "Wow this is totally a reskinned darker Zelda".
Reviewers need to be truthful in their comparisons because besides the style of dungeons and the 'find item, use item' formula the game was more than self sufficient.
More self sufficient than most shooters and their sequels in any case and for that alone it deserves more credit than its getting.
At least, that's my take on it.
And just to clarify, I could alt f4 the shit out of Giantbomb or any other community and never surf here again but I just choose not to.
Besides all the positive comments here its just mindboggling to read the replies that basically tell me to get off the internet, like that is going to solve the problem I'm adressing here, like my disappearance from the world wide web is suddenly going to turn bad communities good.
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Edited By Pezen

@TaliciaDragonsong said:

Do I want to leave the 'friends' and contacts I made behind? Do I want to stop discussing my favorite games or read topics about them just to avoid other's nonsense? That's silly.

Why would you need to leave your friends and contacts behind? Facebook, Twitter, Email, MSN or whatever. There are plenty of ways to keep in touch with friends online without necessarily sticking around a place that have an inhospitable environment. I am not saying you feel this way about a specific community, I'm just saying people oftentimes make the mistake assumption that the place they grow accustomed to are the only place to do what you want to do. There are a gazillion video game forums on the internet. And I am not saying you can't try to steer a community in the right direction. I am just saying, one can just easily leave a community when it's annoying and find something else. It's not national politics, the survival of a community isn't life-important and therefore not always worthy of the work of keeping it in check.

@TaliciaDragonsong said:

Reviewers need to be truthful in their comparisons because besides the style of dungeons and the 'find item, use item' formula the game was more than self sufficient.

I am sure it was (never played it, because I loathed the art-style) but it's completely beside the point though for a reviewer who is making a comparison to create a mental image that makes sense for the reader. I mean, just because a game's collective pieces turn into a quality product that stand on it's own doesn't mean those pieces can't be analyzed and compared to earlier works. I mean, how long didn't we get the "Gears of War-styled cover based shooter" before they cut "Gears of War" from that? Now cover based mechanics are so commonplace that comparing it to GoW is overstating it. But some games may not be that easily described without broad generalized comparisons. It's not perfect, but at the end of the day getting the point across is more important than giving accurate but unnecessarily in-depth descriptions of the game.

I need to get to bed before I completely talk nonsense, apologies if I'm running in circles!

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@Pezen: And that's exactly what I did!
I won't force you to read all my replies in this topic but I said somewhere that GB is the only community I even dare to post this, others I just don't trust and barely visit.
And posting? Ha, I can't remember the last time I posted somewhere that wasn't GB.
The thing is though, I like the people on here but I'm not about to get all buddy buddy with em so the options you gave me aren't all that useful.
You're right about it though, I could take the ones I care about with me but I'm not sure how much fun a msn list consisting of the entire GB user group will be.
Or productive! xD
Besides the point? I'm sorry but the reviewer is the one with the prime knowledge in this case and he/she should be able to lead me on the right track concerning a game and my decision to give it a go.
If I write a review and tell you this game(or movie, record, anything) is pretty reminiscent of another game (etc) it would hold some value to see a logical connection between the two and in a case of Darksiders I'd feel the need to explain what exactly is meant by the Zelda influence.
I could tell you a lot of things that somehow seem to be connected but many people that ended up playing Darksiders 1 will agree that the game is a thing of its own and describing it as a mature Zelda is pretty basic at its core, because saying its God of War in a apocalyptic section would hold true as well for about as long it takes you to get to the first dungeon (so, 2 hours perhaps).
I don't want to hear how much alike a game is, or what its stealing, but if the reviewer insists I'd like to at least hear why beyond the "There's also cover in this game!" 
Come to think of it, and this might be just me, but I really do not remember much talk about Mass Effect 1's cover combat.
Not even sure if Gears was released back then but ah well, its silly how for some titles its a big fuss what's copied or stolen and others its like 'lol np its cool'.
Edit: no worries, you're cracking my brain a bit, I like it.
I won't say I have all the answers and we might not come to an angreement but that's fine, we're all different in our beliefs.
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Edited By Ravenlight

@TaliciaDragonsong said:

[...] I went to the mall and got [...] groceries [...]

What sort of futuristic society do you live in where one can get groceries in a mall? That's some convenient shit right there.

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Edited By falserelic

Don't let them get to you talicia. It will be just adding fuel to the fire...

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A shopping mall is one or more buildings forming a complex of shops representing merchandisers, with interconnecting walkways enabling visitors to easily walk from unit to unit, along with a parking area — a modern, indoor version of the traditional marketplace.

That would include supermarkets and fruit stores...for example, no?
@falserelic: They won't! Don't worry!
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Edited By Ravenlight

@TaliciaDragonsong said:


A shopping mall is one or more buildings forming a complex of shops representing merchandisers, with interconnecting walkways enabling visitors to easily walk from unit to unit, along with a parking area — a modern, indoor version of the traditional marketplace.

That would include supermarkets and fruit stores...for example, no?

Sadly, I'm blessed to live in Arizona where urban planners seem to segregate every shopping establishment that doesn't include a movie theater with seventy miles of hot pavement. This encompasses every place one would consider to sell "groceries."